0| Prologue
1| Her First Love
2| Proposal
3| Grand Wedding
4| My Wedding Life
5| His First Love
6| They Don't Really Hate Each Other
7| He Wants To Do What
8| Pretending To Love Him Was Not That Hard
9| Road To Love
10| Too Close For Comfort
11| His Cute Nurse
12| He Is A Big Tease
13| He Cares Now When He Knows I Can't?
14| Silent Rejection Hurts Even More
15| My Little Dreams
16| His Feelings Are So Confusing
17| His Friendship Is All I Have
18| He Loves Cuddling?
19| I Can Never Dress Like A Girl
20| I Am What?
21| Embarassing And Awkward Situations
22| Date Plan Gone To Hell
23| Compromising Situations
24| Hot Arguments And Cool Answers
25| Some Wise Decisions
26| Jealous Arguments And Broken Hearts
27| When Fake Turned Into Something Much More Real
28| Dangerous Game
29| Heart Want What It Wants
30| Was Loving You A Better Idea
31| Reasons We Are Far Apart
32| Your Name
33| Hurt And Confort
34| Most Natural Thing To Do
35| Unexpected Encounters
36| Don't Move
37| You Think I'm A Man?
38| Old Friends Reunion
39| Mission Mia
40| I Hate You!
41| His Passion And Desire
42| Do You Love Me?
43| Some Old Secrets
44| Some Shocking Revealations
45| Dangerous Territory
46| Crazy Confessions
47| Love The One Who Loves You Back
48| You Can't Just Fall Out Of Love
49| You Can't Run Away From Your Past
50| It's Not Easy To Love Someone...Back
9| Road To Love

Emily's POV:

Pretending to love him was never tough for me. Genuine smile on face,slight flush of cheeks,rigorous beating of heart,sweatiness of palm, butterflies in stomach or stuttering of tongue, I was familiar with all types of symptoms of Love. Because I experienced all of them. In mere twenty years.

Edward's parents came to visit us,giving us the wedding gift for our honeymoon. Bam!

Seven day Trip to Mauritius. Sounds dreamy right? Well, it ain't any dream, I am telling ya!

I was happy, a little trip could warm up my insides, some fresh air was necessary to ease up my very disturbed mind. Edward was unwilling at first, sliding his work hours reason on the table but his parents came prepared for all of it. His father assured him of his work,giving him instructions about how he should have some time off to make some family of his own.

He agreed, to my surprise, because as far as I know,Edward was the most diligent person I ever came across, even more than those subway trains. His studies were more calculative, he actually scheduled time table for his routine, which even I failed to follow for more than months. If he put up his mind on something, he would do it for sure. I also learned a lot from his diligence,evidence being my call letter from hospital. On our school days,he was the one who would knock on my windows early morning just to take me out on jogging. We would run for hours under strong summer sun and eventually I had to kill him twice to let me go of such exercises. Oh Just kidding!

I did all the packing which was quite harder as I had this girl trait in my blood, of spreading rumours faster than the speed of light and of packing things more than required. No matter how much I subtracted from my stuff, it was still more enough to fit in the car.

Hallo! Emily!. This is not your real honeymoon,voice in my head said.

Right. This is not but still..,my other side defended.

I decided to go with four suitcases, dumping them quickly into the car before Edward would even dare to comment over them.

Minutes later Edward came, dressed up in his summer shirts and pants, I offered him my shawl, scolding him of the cold he was bound to get. When I opened the car door, Lara waved at me.

Lara! how the hell did she knew-

My thoughts were cut down by Edward who came and sat beside Lara urging me to sit faster but seeing my confused eyes, he said, "Oh. I invited her.When I told her about those tickets she got so excited. She always wanted to tour Mauritius but due to my busy schedule,I wasn't able to take her. Hop on, Lily! We would miss the plane.". I nodded and sat on the passenger seat, beside the driver. Awkward!!

Everyone was staring at me, even the driver. I coughed and he started the car. From the front mirror, I could see them whispering something and giggling, my mouth turned into frown When they started to make out, with those weired slurping sounds. I turned on some music and fell into deep sleep to escape this hell.

My head keeps colliding with the window everytime I got comfortable position to sleep on,I literally cursed in my sleep but then I got some good position to sleep on, I cuddled on the object. It was soft, and calloused.

I woke up hours later to find myself on the plane, comfortably seated, blanket draped over my body. My eyebrows squinted. Who carried me? I looked around to see Edward next to me sleeping peacefully,earphones plugged in his ear,his head on my shoulder. I adjusted his head more into my shoulders,patting his head. Lara was sitting miles away from us, her seat number being different, I guess.

Edward shuffled In his sleep.

"Emi,you awake?" ,his voice croaked.

"uh huh". He smiled and scooted me closer into his arms. He always liked to do that when we had sleepovers. I smiled back, leaning my head into his chest. If only world was as peaceful as this feeling. I closed my eyes.

"Did you sleep well? You were snoring like a bull,lily and I had to bit my lips to stop myself from laughing at driver's reaction",he trailed off, his lips curving into smile. A beautiful one at that.

"I so was not. I was tired as hell",I said, smacking him on chest.

"Yeah. You drooled on my hand. And you cuddle also,do you know that? I don't know what you could have done, if I had offered you my shoulder to sleep on!",he said, faking his shock,his grin widening upon seeing my reaction.

Oh. So he offered me his hands to sleep on. And I drooled on them. I mentally clapped for my achievement!

We reached Mauritius,some ninteen hours later,I always loved beaches because they remind me of my dad. We always used to go to one to play spy-spy,though My mom always scolded My dad not to teach me such ridiculous games. We made such a good team,i smiled at the memory.

Resort was perfect..for newly wedded. Rooms were decorated with petals,flowers and trinkets and they even offered night services. But unfortunately, I and Edward had to share a room because it was our honeymoon. Then where would Lara stay? As if reading my mind, Edward informed me that Lara were to stay in a room next to ours, which he paid for. Of course!

Edward's parents prepared a lot for this honeymoon. One room, one blanket, one plate for dinner,one glass to drink. I wish they didn't go as far as preparing one shirt for us. Mentally killing myself for my vulgarity, I went into washroom and changed into a pair of pajamas .

When I came out,Edward was pouring wine in the glass. Wait, they didn't drug it, right? What if something bad happened after drinking This wine,like we really ended up doing what they do in honeymoons!

I won't drink that. Never.

Gulp gulp.

But Edward did! !!!Wow.

"Hey, what are you standing there watching Me? Got a crush on me or something?",he laughed out loud,his eyes turning into a shade darker.

Drink was drugged! Holy Merlins of Merlin!!!

No,I can't let him cheat on Lara with me! I want that but not in this way, I thought to myself.

I rolled on the carpet,rushing in speed and kicked Edward from behind,on his butt, making him lose his balance. His wine glass shattered on the floor and he fell on his stomach.

Straight Into the floor.

I repeat. On the tile floor.

"Oww, Lily. What the hell did you kick me for? Have you lost your mind? ",he said rubbing his sides, glaring daggers at me. I just stared at him. He was supposed to be not hurt. But he is.

"Wait! You are not drugged? ",I asked, helping him sit on the bed.

"What? Why would I be drugged? Seriously, Emi, stop reading those fucking sherlock novels before you end up snapping My neck,killing me and leaving My body to scavengers",he said,annoyingly.

My head was hung low in shame.

How embarrassing.

"I am sorry. I just thought this wine was drugged so we might end up doing something we don't want... "I trailed off, laughing nervously.

He stared at me for some time, leaving me fidgeting under his stare before bursting into fits of laughter. Now it was my turn to stare. And then he walked towards me,engulfing me Into Bear hug By practically lifting me from the floor. My toes curled when my chest collided with his. I am sure he would listen my heart beating like horse.

"Oh Lily, only you my dear could imagine such things that normal human mind couldn't even perceive. But I would'nt dare to hurt you, not even if my life depended on it. I treasure you so much for that,that thikining My life without you never even crossed my mind.",he said,pulling me closer, our cheeks touching by side. I was touched.

Can you feel touched after falling in love with someone?

I closed my eyes,leaning to his touch, hearing his soft breaths against my chest. I still can't belive he is the same boy who I pushed into the ground and called "weed". I smiled to myself.

There was a knock at the door. It was room service. They gave us our dinner. We ate,teasing each other in the process. Oh These days. I was still around him for these Days only when we would actually have this friend time . I don't care if I never have his love at all because his friendship was much precious to me than any sacrifice I can ever do.

Lara was tired so she was sleeping all this time. She didn't even had dinner, I thought she was sick or something. Edward was worried for her so I went to her room to feed her something. She ate some Salad and went to sleep. Girls and their diet!. I pulled banket over her and went back to our room.

"You take the bed, I will take couch..."Edward trailed off,trying to find the said object.

Except there was no couch.

I looked at him. More Like stare.

Ten minutes later, I was tossing and turning in my side of bed. Yes. We are sharing the bed. Congratulations to my feelings!!. It wasnt that I was a late sleeper, I just wasn't used to having men on my bed, and at the top of it, Edward.

I was freaking out. Take deep breaths, Emily. It's not that he will eat you or something.

No, but I might end up eating him, my other side said. I mentally groaned. I felt a tug on my blanket,turning around I saw Edward deep in his sleep, cuddling my share of blanket like his dear life depended on it. I stared at him,placing My cheeks on my elbows. He looked so peaceful,his eyelashes touching his slightly flushed cheek,his hair ruffled on the sides,his chest heaving slightly, slight drool on his side cheek. My hand moved on their own,tracing his forehead,his temple, his nose, his, cheeks, his lips...
Oh how much I always imagined them pressed against mine. He shuffled under my touch. I retracted My hand and I my head prying off Inappropriate desires.

I laid my head back into bed, staring at the ceiling.

I didn't know what had to come tomorrow, but I was happy that today I was lying by Edward's side,as his wife.

© Ritika Verma,
книга «For His Sake».
10| Too Close For Comfort