Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 14
Obviously no one would be looking forward to meeting the fiancée of a man they're having an affair with, this whole thing is a new experience and I'm starting to feel like I'm loosing myself.

Meeting Jade made things only worse, I couldn't help but feel more guilty about what I did with her man. She's been nothing but so kind to me and and it's so hard to look into the eyes of someone you're betraying and despite the guilt you'd still fall into the temptation and go back again to feeling guilty.He's like a spark of electricity that is so dangerous but yet draws you to an exciting bittersweet electric shock and it's just so hard to pull away from.

That voice makes me tremble with fear and excitement at the same time and I wish I could erase it from my mind. I turned back to look at him and I wasn't looking forward to but after meeting up with Jade I thought I had to confront him and bring him to the realization of what he's doing and hopefully will end this nonsense that he's created but just like any other time I got brain freezed and all the words I gathered up disappeared along with my self control in his deep brown eyes that get to the deepest of my core.

"how did it go with Jade?"
How dare he ask me that question knowing so well how I felt about meeting up with her?
"what did you expect? That we would bond so well and become the best of friends ever knowing that we're sharing the same man? You really put me in a tough and awkward situation David and as much as I would want to hate you I can't."
Tears rolled down my eyes and obviously I got my courage to stand up to him and speak out my mind.

" Why do you keep doing this not only to me but to her as well? You know so well how you make me feel and despite knowing how much you hurt me you still keep doing the same thing and I'm a fool to keep falling for you all over again. Your fiancée has been nothing but kind to me and she doesn't deserve this"
The moment got so intense and despite being at the work place I didn't care who saw me crying, I was such a mess and I decided to walk away but he grabbed me by the hand and I could see that he was remorseful about the whole situation.

"Adeline I'm really sorry..."
"let me go" I said as I released my hand from his with so much  anger and force then wiped my tears.
"I don't believe every single word you say and let this be the last time I'm talking to you about this, you better tell your fiancée everything that has happened between us or I will"

Hi everyone I just want to apologize that it took me so much time to update these chapters but recently I had been so busy that I barely had time to update chapters of rules. Thank you so much for your patience and for the views. This time I will try so hard to update the chapters in the quickest of time and I hope you'll stick around till the end of the last chapter. 😊😊
© Reenie 03 ,
книга «RULES».