The Time..
You can come You can go You can foam You can roam You can hack You attack You can foul every soul Do you know what have you done? You have killed the faithful ton He has run with his son In that morn just to mourn Do you know where have you been? You are keen to kill the 'Queen' She just ran being too mean You can hack humans You cant stop your sin When my eyes are beyond the stars Kneeling down on fair earth You can hold the future scene But you cant bear up the time Time is me I am the Time And I have your filthy tries By Sharfunnisa
2018-09-18 13:51:57
Схожі вірші
Рятувати старі ідеали немає жодного сенсу, все сведемо до творчості або дикого сексу. Зруйнуємо рамки моральних цінностей, напишимо сотні віршів і загубимось серед вічностей. Наш голос лунатиме і поза нашим життям. Дівчинко, просто тримай мене за руку і віддайся цим почуттям.
Unbreakable heart
Behind your back people are talking Using words that cut you down to size You want to fight back It's building inside you Holding you up Taking you hostage It's worth fighting for They'll try to take your pride Try to take your soul They'll try to take all the control They'll look you in the eyes Fill you full of lies Believe me they're gonna try So when you're feeling crazy And things fall apart Listen to your head Remember who you are You're the one You're the unbreakable heart