The Thug Who Saved Me
When Things Go Wrong
Not So Welcome Home
Hard To Get
Triple T
Sticky Situations
In The Line Of Fire
Betrayal Is Only The Beginning
Closer To The Enemy
Spilling Tea
Unresolved Issues
Blood Money
Sticky Situations
"Come on man, this could be a huge come up for both of us. I need this, but I can only do it if I have my brother with me." Said Tahj, trying to convince Knowledge to join him.

"No games right? This shit better be legit."

"I would never put you on to anything less."

"Aight, give me a min. I need to talk to Stacy."

Knowledge secured the watch around his wrist and made his way to Stacy's room.

"I'm going to handle some business with Tahj. Try to stay here but if you have to leave, please don't get into any trouble."

Tahj was growing impatient waiting for Knowledge to come outside.

"Damn, is she ok?" Said Tahj as knowledge got into the car.

"Yea she's straight. What's your problem?"

"You sure are going out your way to make sure she good for somebody that say he ain't got feelings for shorty."

Knowledge frowned. "It ain't even about that! I made her father a promise that I would keep her safe. He knew he was about to die and I'm the one entrusted with her life. That's not something to take lightly."

Tahj sucked his teeth and started the car. "Yea whatever, you still got feelings for shorty." He said in a low tone.

By 12:45 that night they sat in the car at the bank of the river. There was a huge money deal going down tonight and Tahj wanted in.

"How'd you find out about this?" Knowledge asked him.

"Man, the whole time you were gone, me and pops were running shit around here! We had the streets in lock. Nothing went on around here without us knowing. All money coming in and going out from what we put out on the street reported to me. Just cause' pops dead don't mean that changed."

Knowledge chuckled at his brother's cockiness; remembering the good times they had growing up with their father. He prepared him for the role of head of the King Cartel, yet all he's been doing is fooling around with Stacy. The more he thought about her, the more he figured that Tahj may be right. He couldn't deny his feelings for her if he wanted to and he planned to make some serious decisions about her soon.

"Ok, I think that's him now." Said Tahj tapping his brother on the shoulder.

"Bout' damn time!"

They watched as the car parked and then noticed something odd. Another car.

"Hold up, who is that?" Said Tahj.

The second car rolled in slowly and stopped right behind the first one. This made Tahj a little nervous.

"I know that ain't who I think it is Tahj. Is that Tyrone?"

"Look, I understand why you may be a lil uncomfortable but trust me, I got you. Take your heat with you." He told Knowledge."

"Never leaves my side." Said Knowledge.

Together, they step out of the car with a gun on their waist and meet the other two men halfway.

"Kai Carter King!" Said Tyrone. "Long time no see."

"C'mon man, don't put my information out there. Let's leave the past in the past and handle this business."

Tyrone was a long time hustler around the area. He practically watched the King brother's grow up. But once it was rumored that he wanted to rob their father, things got ugly between them and their father made them promise to stay away from him.

"Ok," said Tyrone. "Let's do business. This is a associate of mine, JD. He's here to put an offer as well." Tyrone held up the bag of drugs and swung it back and forth in front of them. "I figured we could have a little bidding party. Highest bidder gets the prize."

"Man, what the fuck do you think this is?" Said JD. "I didn't come here for all this. You told me we was meeting alone."

"Just relax JD. You'll get what you want as long as you put up more money." Said Tyrone. "So, who's ready to get this started?"

"Give us a minute." Said Knowledge, who pulled Tahj back to the car to talk to him in private.

"What's going on here Tahj?" Knowledge asked. "This shit smells fishy."

"Relax brother. I know this shit is throwing your off. Shit, me too. I trust Tyrone but this other guy, I've never seen him around here. Keep your distance."


Knowledge and Tahj dropped to the ground as JD unloaded his clip into Tyrone's body.

"Oh shit!" Shouted Tahj. "Let's go! Let's go!"

JD reloaded his gun and snatched the bag of drugs from Tyrone's lifeless body, throwing the strap over his shoulder just as a gang of police swarm in around him.

"Drop your weapons!" Shouted one officer.

JD dropped his head and laughed. "You mother fucker!" He said to himself, scratching the side of his head with the end of the gun. "So this was a set up the whole time huh!" He screamed.

"We have to get that bag from him." Said Tahj

"Nigga, do you NOT see the whole SWAT team surrounding him right now! It's not worth it!"

"Not worth it to who? That bag can change a lot of shit!"

"It's gotta be another way. If they see you, they'll shoot you." Said Knowledge.

Tahj sucked his teeth and began to stand up anyway.

"Wait," said Knowledge. "I can't stop you from going but at least let me go get it. If anybody is going to be caught, it has to be me. Just make sure you take care of Stacy."

Knowledge crawled down the bank halfway, slowly making his way towards JD who was standing off with the police. The numerous blue and red lights flashing rapidly made Knowledge uneasy. He stayed hidden, waiting to see what would happen next.

"Last chance! Drop your weapons and put your hands behind your head!" The officer shouted again.

"Fuck the police! JD screamed. He held the bag of drugs in his hand and aimed his gun at the officer prepared to fire.

"Take him out!" Said the officer.

JD let off five shots into the SWAT team before he was stopped with a flood of bullets into his chest. As he fell to the ground, the bag flew out of his hand almost sliding down the hill.

Once the leading officer gave the signal, the team moved in and began to secure the area. Knowledge looked back at Tahj who was gesturing him to keep moving. But then, a bigger problem arose.

A huge light came from over their heads, shining down on the SWAT team. When Knowledge looked up his heart melted. The news helicopter had come to record the situation at hand. This only made it more difficult to get the bag. It only took one slip up to get caught by that light and it was all over. So Knowledge moved cautiously.

As he got closer to the bag, he slipped on the grass and slid down a bit. Tahj watched with his nerves on edge.
Finally, Knowledge grabbed the bag and retreated down to the river's edge, climbing up once he got back to Tahj.

"You did it nigga!" Said Tahj

"Yea, yea. Let's get the hell outta' here!"

Halfway back to the house, Knowledge just had to ask why it was so important for Tahj to get the bag.

"Why?" Knowledge asked.

"Why what?"

"Why risk your life for a bag of drugs?"

Tahj sighed and said, "I've been meaning to tell you."

"Tell me what?"

"Amber wants me out of the game. Says it's taking me away from Lilly and she won't marry me unless I'm done with the streets for good."

"Ok, so what's the problem?"

"The problem? How are we going to keep the bills paid? Keep our wealthy lifestyles? I can't give Amber the wedding she wants without that money. But she won't marry me unless I walk away from it."

"Ain't nothing in these streets for you man. If your lady wants to marry you without worrying about looking over her shoulder every ten minutes or losing sleep at night because she's afraid for her daughter's safety, why not do it?"

"Seriously? I thought you would be mad."

"Be mad for what? You and Amber have been through hell and back. She's been holding you down since you met her. Still loves you regardless of all the shit you get into. I say get out the game, marry your lady and get your family out of here."

Everything he was telling Tahj had him thinking as well. Mainly about Stacy. He had something he wanted to talk to her about and he was anxious to see what she would say.

"Aight be safe out here brother." Said Knowledge. He hugged Tahj and then went back into his house. The first thing he did was stop at Stacy's room. He knocked first and then let himself in when she didn't answer him.

He looked at her asleep, legs stretched out to opposite ends of the bed. The covers revealing a small chunk of her ass in her green boy shorts. He wanted to wake her but it was already late but those boy shorts were so tempting.

He looked down at her phone that sat on the dresser next to the door when it lit up with a text from Raven that read :

"Hey girl, we had so much fun tonight. I think Travis is digging you. Definitely should let him give you the special tomorrow night! Lol. I'll be there by 9:45 tomorrow. See ya then! Xoxo"

"Who the fuck is Travis?" Knowledge whispered.

Stacy rolled over facing the door. Worried he would wake her, he slowly eased his way out and closed the door. Tomorrow night, he would find out who this Travis was.

© Mercii B,
книга «Gangsta Love».
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Sticky Situations
That's a great book...can't wait to read the rest
2018-07-20 04:11:31