The Thug Who Saved Me
When Things Go Wrong
Not So Welcome Home
Hard To Get
Triple T
Sticky Situations
In The Line Of Fire
Betrayal Is Only The Beginning
Closer To The Enemy
Spilling Tea
Unresolved Issues
Blood Money
Hard To Get
"What the fuck is this!"
Knowledge screamed as he stormed into Stacy's room seeing her bent over the edge of the bed with James hitting her from behind.

Stacy and James quickly composed themselves, grabbing the sheets to hide their naked bodies. "Just what the hell do you think you're doing storming up in here like that!" Stacy confronted him.

Completely ignoring Stacy, Knowledge was adamant about getting James out of the hotel room.

"Cmon, you not moving fast enough! Get the fuck up out of here!" Knowledge shouted at James.

Seeing this love session was clearly over James got dressed in the bathroom.

Knowledge turned back to Stacy. "You got some fucking nerves having some random nigga all up in you in the room that I paid for! And another thing,"

James stepped out of the bathroom eyeing Knowledge down the whole time and then purposefully puts his hand to his ear like a phone signaling Stacy to give him a call later. Knowledge lunged at him as he walked out the door.

"You have NO right busting through my door like that. I don't care if you DID pay for the room. Who are you to tell me who I can have in my bed?"

Knowledge paused to regain his composure. "If this is what you're going to do with this hotel shit then I have no choice but to take you up out of here."

Stacy folded her arms. "And take me where?"

"You can stay at my house." He began walking around the room throwing all of her things back into her bags.

"Stop!" She screamed, hitting him repeatedly.  "What makes you think I want to go anywhere with you with that attitude?"

Knowledge stopped and frowned at her. "Because if I don't pay for you to stay another night, you have no where to go."

With that, he continued to pack her things. Stacy flopped down on the end of the bed and pouted. Once he was done she followed him down through the lobby and outside. The concierge that he met earlier was gone and the police were just pulling up as they got into the car.

Stacy refused to look at him! She was starting to think this whole move with him was a bad idea. If this was the controlling attitude he was going to show towards her, she was prepared to leave and make a living on her own.

"All I wanted to do was come and check on you and that's what I got to see in return. You been down here one night and already fucking? Got damn."

"Me?" Stacy turned to him and frowned. "So let's just forget all about those random stripper bitches that were clapping their asses in my face when we showed up. I know you fucked them! Hell, that was the whole point of your mother bringing them right? Don't fucking judge me for doing the same shit you just did. Fuck you!"

Next thing she knew, Knowledge swerved the wheel to the right and pulled up next to the curb to put the car in park.

"Get out." He said.

"Excuse me?" Said Stacy

"Get the fuck out my car! You want to be ungrateful so don't look for me to do shit else for you."

"Ungrateful?". Appalled, Stacy kept calm. " You know what, fine."

She opened her door and got out, slamming it closed.

"Don't slam my fucking door!" He yelled at her.

"Fuck you!" Said Stacy as she took her bags from the back seat before slamming that door as well. Knowledge closed his eyes and griped the steering wheel trying not to go off on Stacy.

Once she was on the curb and out of the way he took off down the street leaving Stacy in an unfamiliar city with no one or no where to turn to.

Undeterred, Stacy picked up her bags and carried them as she began to walk down the street in the direction Knowledge went. Pedestrians stared at her with their camera phone recording the situation.  "What the hell are y'all looking at!". She cursed at them.

Feeling her self build up with emotion, Stacy dropped her bags and was on the brink of crying when she heard the loud motor and the tires screeching on Knowledge's car.

He had come back for her and although she would probably never tell him, she was glad he came back. He was the only support she had down here.

He slowly rolled the window down. "Get in the car." he told her.

"Why, so you can feel like you have control over me? That's all this is to you...a fucking game!"

He smiled at how stubborn she was being. It was kinda cute to him. "No in saying this because I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do you like that. Besides, I still have a promise to keep and it doesn't involve leaving you out here for the wolves to feast on you."

Hesitantly, Stacy picked up her bags and threw them back into the car before climbing into the passenger seat. Pedestrians found themselves still recording as Knowledge drove away towards his house.

Stacy didn't say a word to him this time and he understood why. Nonetheless, he helped her carry her things into his house and into the guess room where he intended to make into her permanent room.

She unpacked her things one bag at a time, talking shit about him when he barged into her room.

"Forgot this one."  He threw a smaller bag which barely missed hitting her. "I'll be back later. Don't leave and don't even think about calling that nigga over here for anymore back shots. I'm the only one delivering the back shots around here."

Stacy gave a fake grin and threw her middle finger up at him as he closed the door.

By 11:30 that night, Stacy had given herself enough time to shower and pamper herself with the luxuries of Knowledge's home. But even with all of that, she was still lonely. This was one time she thought about her father and how he was killed. She thought about Knowledge and how she probably would have been dead had it not been for him. She wanted to tell him but he was such an asswhole. A gorgeous, sexually attractive asswhole.

By 12:45 Knowledge still wasn't home yet and Stacy was tired of waiting so she found something interesting to watch on TV and soon fell asleep. It was after 2 am when Knowledge finally came home. He creeped into Stacy's room, drunk and stumbling, yet remarkably avoiding to wake her.

Afraid his hiccups would awake her, he left her room and returned to his, showered and got into bed falling asleep soon after.

When morning came, Knowledge had somewhat of a hangover. He immediately went for his bottle of advil and popped two to get rid of the headache while he took another shower in an attempt to wake himself. After he was dressed, he went down to Stacy's room to check on her.

"Stacy?" He called, knocking on the door twice.

"Come in." She said.

"Where are you?"

"In the bathroom. What do you want!"

He laughed. "I can see your still upset with me.".   Stacy remained quiet.  "Look I just came to apologize."

"I'm listening." Said Stacy

"I'd rather talk face to face."

Stacy came out the bathroom fixing her shorts and tank top and damn she was looking good to him. Her face was freshly washed. Her skin was glowing and her body was perfect.

"You were saying?" Said Stacy taking his focus off her body and back to why he came.

"I'm sorry for the way I acted the other night. You were right, I had no right to barge in on you like that. I just didn't like what I saw. I know that's still none of my business so again I want to say sorry. And that whole putting you out the car shout have never happened. It was immature and I'm ashamed to say that I let my pride and anger get the best of me."

"I forgive you but that still doesn't explain why you were mad to see me with somebody else anyway. I'm not dumb Knowledge, I know you fucked those strippers the other night. But why is it an issue for me?"

"Because you're just trying to replace the pain of losing your father with other men."   He stepped closer to her.
"You don't have to do that. I'm always here for you."

With his tall stature towering over her small body, Stacy felt like a little school girl with her first crush. He was all up on her with his body pressed against hers in the corner.

She looked up and met his gaze. Nothing was said as the Knowledge rested his forehead on hers and held her. She wrapped her small arms around his body and hugged tight. She needed this from him. That feeling of protection and security. That feeling of knowing she still had somebody on her side.

After a minute or two, Knowledge heard his phone ringing and since he was the heir to the King thrown there were duties and appointments he had to keep up with. He slowly let go of Stacy and excused himself from the room to answer the call.

She stood there with her back against the wall thinking about how good his hug made her feel.

"I have to go handle some business. Maybe when I come back we can finish hugging." He smiled.

"Sounds good."

Alone again in the house, Stacy wandered around exploring the entire house. She was excited to be living in such a house as this. The King family was obviously rich and Knowledge, despite the fact that he moved away for years, was no exception.

She found her self dancing and twerking all over the couch when she heard the front door alarm go off letting her know someone had just come in.

Thinking it was Knowledge, Stacy continued dancing. It was only when she heard a older woman's voice calling his name that she knew it wasn't him.

She ran upstairs to dress herself more appropriately and then headed back downstairs to see who it was.

"Kai! Kai, come down here and say hi to your momma."

Stacy came around the corner into the kitchen to see Knowledge's mother, Vicky, unpacking the bag of breakfast food and placing it all over the counter.

"Uh, hello." Stacy said cautiously

Vicky looked at her and rolled her eyes. "What the hell are you doing here? Where is my son? You didn't kill him yet did you?"

"What, No! I would never. First of all, your son left 30 minutes ago."

"M-hm. I know bitches like you. Probably lying. Kai! Kai!"

Stacy covered her ears from Vicky's loud irritating voice. "I just told you he's not here!" She shouted

Vicky stepped up to Stacy's face with her finger pointed at her nose. "Let me tell you something you little tramp, my son has big responsibilities now that his father is dead. The last thing we need is some hussy like you distracting him from what he came to do. So do us all a favor and leave."

Stacy stood there with her arms folded and holding her tongue as much as she could. Vicky was definitely over stepping her boundaries and the only thing keeping her from punching Vicky was respect for Knowledge. Lord knows Vicky was making it hard.

Luckily for Stacy, there was no need for Vicky to be there any longer. She packed her food back in the bag and headed towards the door but not without taunting Stacy again.

"There's no way my son would ever love a skank like you. You're not welcomed here and if Kai doesn't see it now, I'll make sure he does."

With that, Vicky slammed the door shut leaving Stacy with a sour taste in her mouth.

© Mercii B,
книга «Gangsta Love».
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Hard To Get
.....when is the rest coming
2018-07-20 03:37:54