The Screaming of My Blood
My blood is screaming. It wants to get out. My skin is itching. It wants to feel the blade. The demons are yelling. They want to take over. My thoughts have been tainted. They’ve turned to dark and cold, black and blue. They don’t want to feel the sun, they want to shy away from the light of day. My blood is screaming, my skin is itching. It’ll only be a little one. At least at first. My blood with rush for more. My skin will burn in delight. My demons with cheer, cheer of excitement. They will be pleased with me. Maybe just a few more. The blood is pouring out now. It’s struggling to stop. My skin is crying out in pain. I’ve done too much. My demons have disappeared, left me to feel the effects. Left me to feel the sting, the dizziness from all this blood. But my blood was screaming, it wanted out. My skin was itching, it wanted to feel the slice of the blade. Now that it’s out, there’s nothing left. The demons are no where to be found. The blood is all but gone. It’s all over the floor, on my clothes, in the water. The blood has stopped screaming. My skin has stopped itching.
2018-10-04 22:20:27
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Дозе с любовью))
Прошу не уходи , Ты луч ,что красит день всех Как тяжело так просто отпустить , Твой свет от шоколад творений Ты весела всегда ,поддержишь если грустно Всем здесь стала важна И в тоже время согреешь теплотою гнусно На аве так няшна с котейками мимишна , С улыбкою ясна й не будет так прывична ! Мне грустно без тебя , хорошая зайчуга !! Я ж буду так скучать за твоими стишками , Что даришь всем сполна С любовью й ораматом тепловой ласки :) Оть доброты твоей Сб стал радостью излучен :) Ведь многим принесла Частичку доброты с улыбочкой уюта лучик 🌹 (( 🍫✨🌹💕)) P.s: Посвященно Дозе с любовью от Морки 💕🍫))) ( Одна и единственная на Сб Шоко-котейка ,что поднимает настроение другим своим позитивным настроением 🍫💕))
I was alone. I am alone. I will be alone. But why People always lie? I can't hear it Every time! And then They try to come Back. And i Don't understand it. Why?