The Scars We Share
Yes, I have scars on my body. Yes, I feel broken inside. No, that doesn't mean that I can't be loved. Everyone has scars. Yours may not be on your skin, but we all have emotional scars. We all have been hurt by someone, but sometimes some of us can't come back from it. Sometimes we stay broken and we can't be fixed. My scars may tell the story of my past, but they do not dictate my future. They show me of a time when I was at my weakest, but remind me that today I am stronger than I was when they were fresh and bleeding. They show me, the more they fade, the stronger I become. My scars are my stories, my demons. I will always have to battle my demons, but I will never stop wearing my scars like wings. They push me to do better, to become stronger. My scars are there, not because I was weak, but because I was trying to stay strong for far too long. Many can relate to this. You may not have any physically visible scars, but these are the scars we share. The scars that push us to be the best us we can. The ones that make us who we are today. These are the scars we share.
2018-11-09 16:12:06
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Why would you bully? Was that okay? Nobody helped me, Get out of the way. And i didn't cry. And i didn't lie. I just looked at you. With a fake smile. You could love me. You really could. But you didn't. You left me alone. And then i cried. And then i lied. I left my world, Without any love. Someone will need you. Someone will shout. Listen to the scream. Help the people live. ♡ Inspired by "13 reasons why" Netflix series.
Дозе с любовью))
Прошу не уходи , Ты луч ,что красит день всех Как тяжело так просто отпустить , Твой свет от шоколад творений Ты весела всегда ,поддержишь если грустно Всем здесь стала важна И в тоже время согреешь теплотою гнусно На аве так няшна с котейками мимишна , С улыбкою ясна й не будет так прывична ! Мне грустно без тебя , хорошая зайчуга !! Я ж буду так скучать за твоими стишками , Что даришь всем сполна С любовью й ораматом тепловой ласки :) Оть доброты твоей Сб стал радостью излучен :) Ведь многим принесла Частичку доброты с улыбочкой уюта лучик 🌹 (( 🍫✨🌹💕)) P.s: Посвященно Дозе с любовью от Морки 💕🍫))) ( Одна и единственная на Сб Шоко-котейка ,что поднимает настроение другим своим позитивным настроением 🍫💕))