ynha köçe bilen barýaryn, oýnaýan jykyrdap, ylgaýan böküp, ýykyljak bolsam, birden büdüräp, galdyrýarlar meni elimden tutup, ägä bol diýip, üstümi kakyp, başymy sypaýar, mähirli eller, barýaryn, enem atamyň elinden tutup, gysga ýaly bolsada, uzaýar ýollar, ynha ýene şol öňki köçe, degişýän, gülýärin, tans edýän böküp, indi enem atamyň elini dälde, barýan bir gözeliň elinden tutup, mähirli ýylgyryş, mähirli bakyş, mähirli näz edip, gujagňa dolar, başlaryň direşip barýansyň ine, uzap giden bolsada, gysgalýar ýollar, ynha ýene-de şol öňki köçe, jykyrdap gülýär, ylgaýar böküp, ýykyljak bolaýsa, birden büdüräp, iki ýerden galdyrýas, golundan tutup, oňa guwanýaryn, şatlykly bakýan, ol bolsa, keýpine jykyrdar, güler, barýarys üç bolup, şol köçe bilen, gysgalýar, gysgalýar, gysgalýan ýollar, ynha-da, ýene-de şol öňki köçe, assajyk ýöreýän, dynç alýan çöküp, ýerimden galmaga, berýär kömegi, ygtybarly daýanýan , hasamy tutup, gör nähili? ajaýyp köçe, ýatlap, gidip barýan, göze ýaş dolýar, indi ýeke özüm şol köçe bilen barýaryn, barha gysgalýar ýollar. näçe gysgalsada galýarsyň ýeke hany indi, eliňden tutýan şol gollar. R. Mämetgurbanow
2021-02-27 18:31:03
Схожі вірші
Morgan Ray and Rose. ⏺English translation⏺ I will find flowers among the fragments of people, give them to you. I am so pleased that there is you, your love for me. I will give you a sea of hope, and lights that do not fade. My heart is only you, it falls asleep without you. I'm giving everything I have in me for you to paralyze the rocks. I don't want to To conquer fate, together to the very edge. We'll be gone on the penultimate day, but our lines will remain. All love is sealed here, in our phrases and ellipses. So, let's rise high, and forgetting about the holy, Falls of the rock. I'll take your hand, and everything, all around It's going to be the way you dreamed.
If it wasn't for you, I would have fought the wall to the pain. If you weren't mine, I'd die every night from losing blood. If it wasn't for your faith, I'd have given up a long time ago. If it were my will, I would stay with you forever. If you'd gone, I'd have been the old emptiness. You would have taken my heart, and instead of it there was an empty aperture. If it wasn't for you, I'd blazed in forgiveness. Would have burned to ashes, until ground, I would have until the last healing.