To love of my life
I met you on the right time, when it was not cold I was trying to protect myself; because in my head was storm I was bad at controlling my emotions, but then I felt your warmth Your touch become like a drug for me and the storm has gone. We were sitting around the fire, when your friend was telling a story. You were sitting far from me, but I catch your eyes, they were on me. I stand up; I looked at you over my shoulder and run into the woods. I knew that you will come over and catch me looking at the moon… I was afraid to open up to you, I was afraid to talk about my sins. I was afraid because I fell in love, and cause I was a girl without wings. I had so much to say about my life, so I started to over-think. But, I just put my head on your shoulder and for a second a let you to be my king. You said “we should live without regrets and do what we want to do” After this every weekend became ours; there was no time to feel the blue. I touched your face, because I can’t believe that person like you really exists. Now it was the time to do all the things from our bucket list. I remember the day when I risked watching a scary movie. I looked so stupid, at that moment I wonder why you ever choose me. I was screaming, when a stupid girl entered a room with full of ghosts. We were eating popcorn but I threw them all on that girl. I love our unplanned picnics and crazy car trips to Neverland When you are looking at my hand with which I am trying to catch the wind and fly You are trying to risk and turn on the music of your favorite band But you know that I will switch it our song “him and I” I like to change one line in this song I am saying “we are 2018 Bonnie and Clyde” You know I love to say those words, because we actually are… …Well, I said those words before you came into my life. Sometimes we act like we are aristocrats, to enter the socialite events I’m all into black and you are in suit, we let the games begin. Once, we were in theatre watching the “Romeo and Juliet” I looked at you, but all your attention was on him It was one of the most interesting moments, He was dying… But I still was looking at your serious face I smiled; I didn’t understand what I did to won at life I am so lucky; it is the life I was trying to create. I trust you, like I trust no one else, so I told you my mad story There were days when I hated myself, but you liked me for me I let you to own me and climb inside my body With you I became a person who I always wanted to be. You helped me to forget my past and mistakes that I’m not proud of You helped me to change myself, from now I won’t fake myself anymore I was on the right way, but you helped to see the light Do you know that you changed my life, when you said that you fell for my eyes?
2018-02-27 17:45:28
Схожі вірші
Присвячую тобі вірші українською, Бо не знаю, якою мовою висловлювати свої почуття. Хоча, для тебе, мабуть, краще російською, Але я вірю: зрозумієш і так. Бо коли ми зустрінемось, важливим буде лиш погляд: Серце не потребуватиме слів, Йому буде байдуже звідки ми родом, Навіть, якщо з ворожих країн.
І сиділи, курили
Ми сиділи і викурювали дні пачкáми, Вбивали їх пустими балачками Про погоду та інші нісенітниці. Годувалися казочками І давали обітниці. Ми сиділи і випивали. Чашка за чашкою З медом, ментолом, м'ятою чи ромашкою. І куштували пригорілі кекси, Що їх присипаючи насмішками, Виробляли рефлекси. Ми сиділи і малювали в календарі хрестики, Кілька аркушів перекреслили, Залишивши лише ту неділю, Щоб тих хвилин решту Ми ще так посиділи. І сиділи, курили, віддавали команди Аж поки опівніч не пробили куранти. І ми – дим, що розлетівся кімнатою. І наші старання увінчалися втратою Своєї кращої частини В полоні рутини.