Park Joyeol
دع خيالك يسبح في بحار العبارات والكلمات وعبر عن ذاتك لتكن انت من يصنع طموحه ❤ EXOL-LOEY♥️
I'm drowning in the details of everything Ocean View Sunrise in the morning Bird's Tweets at Sunset And the cup of coffee with cookies in my lobby overlooking the beach I feel unspeakably happy A delicate and beautiful feeling That's what I call happiness Happiness in drinking my favorite juice Hiking with friends Family meetings The day i graduated Happiness in everything We just have to get opportunities to get it Be cheerful today tomorrow and after There's nothing worth grieving for We live just once An irreplaceable opportunity Smile, smile like the stars of the clear sky Shining to illuminate the road for you in the folds of darkness and sorrow Don't ask what happiness is! just feel it around you in every detail Drown, and you won't feel yourself until you're full of it There's no place to grieve in you. ♥ 박찬열 ♥ IG : @loey_jo61
Devil or Angel
I'm a sick person I have two souls inside me They're fighting Myself and my broken soul! Who I'm ! It's the same question Keep asking it all the time. Why I'm so afraid There are times when I lose control of myself. Sometimes I'm the one who wants to kill every feeling inside any human being to feel unhappy. And sometimes I'm the one who wants to see everyone enjoying Happy or sad I don't know What situation am I in right now? Laugh or cry. Any part of me suffers. Will I know! I think I'm a stranger A sick person My heart is dead My smile is faint And the memories continue to fight with my mind and soul and kill them slowly! Who I'm! I'm a psychopath.
My tears fall Because of you Because of my silly heart I wish I could make you out Of my head Everything becomes worse than before I was fine until you entered to my life When I think about passing your love I feel like a shit My Broken heart A dumbest girl That's me You're like a curse that doesn't erase from my worn-out memory I don't know myself anymore with these tears A river that's leaking out of my eyes and my heart is breaking like sand on an old beach Tears of remorse and sins I committed against me I hated love and being loved I'd like to avenge my dilapidated tears But my stupid heart is tired and doesn't want to lose Because inside me, I know that the result is the same, and my tears will fall and get collapse My self-esteem and my tired eyes I may cry today, so I don't cry anymore This is my promise and my punishment for my tears It's the new beginning by the worst hurt at the end of the day I cried because of you Bye my sadness. **** #realpcy_jo61 " Hurts"
I don't know what is love All what I know is I'm addicted on you In your whole details Your smile is sunshine Your eyes have That lightly brings joy to my heart When I look at you To your beautiful face I'm falling for you again and again Your gravity is taking me deeper into your world Well is that love Is that sweet treasure Is a fantasy or something like dreams Sky is full of stars But you're the only star in this story I'm giving you all my thoughts and this thoughts about how I feel just because of you So, Love is you when I fall in your own details Love is when I see you I smile With quick beats It's like I'm in heaven Everything around me is A fairy tale of lovely drama Her ends is happiness **** Written by : PARK JOYEOL for EXO CHANYEOL
A smile
A smile can save a heart A smile can change a mood A Smile front of pain is good It's make you feel better Drawing a laugh at someone face Make you feel happy No matter Well fuck Depression and sadness Would you like to stay in darkness ! Light up your heart by A smile Because a smile can save a Brocken heart A smile can change a mood of someone's Hurt Just smile Your smile is sunshine *** Just words for giving some hope.... IG: realpcy_jo61
I'm trapped in dark folds I feel lonely like ghost And I have no desire to live Everything is a big lie I don't feel that loyal anymore I don't feel faithful to love My heart is beating cold I feel sorry for keeping your memory a day Because you don't worth it I'm past you now but after you broke my sense of confidence Now I feel empty I'm depressed I cried and i felt tired I'm not the old one anymore My smile is faint My eyes are dry and my heart get enough I feel nothing but emptiness I'm just empty **** Written by " Park JOYEOL" @realpcy_jo61
Listen to people pain It's silence You can't feel them if you didn't try the same hurts But they keep living with a smile! You're asking why? Because they are believed humans They believe that after darkness there is a sunrise My advice is... Live your life like it's your last day Feel free and laugh Let your heart be your master choice Put in your mind that believing is the truth of why you're excited Learn how to make sadness to a happiness Leave the pain behind you Life is good with a smile After all nothing worth to change your heart for! Life is game ! you need only known how to play it then you will be the winner **** Just words for giving some hope.....
عزيزتي ويا غاليتي استمعي إلي حبيبتي ويا اغنيتي انتبهي علي فالوحدة من دونك تقتلني والبعد عنك امتارا يخنقني فما بالك اميالا، كيف ستكون حالتي إن أمري لكي أعطيت وقلبي وعمري بين يديك وكياني روحي أقسمت انها ملككي اجبروني الابتعاد عنكي لكن لم أكن صاغيا وتابعت البحث عنكي سكنتي ذاتي و اه لا تعلمين كم أهيم بجمال عينيك اه ولما تطرقين باب خيالي وامسك انا بيديك قدماي ترتجفان أمامك بسعادة لا تتوقف وعن التفكير فيك لحظة انا لا أتوقف فحبك أغرقني في رمال العشق السامي والحسرة وأوقع بي في قاع الحزن وموت المقبرة فيا عزيزتي وياغاليتي عودي الي يا حبيبتي ويا اغنيتي استمعي الي الموت أهون من فراقي بكي والحياة جنة الفردوس معكي فحبي لك نقش عمق الأنفس بفؤادي لست سوى لكي وانتي لي ياملاذي Written by me ** Park joyeol **
Just I love you!
I can't explain to you How much I love I can't tell you How much I need you You're my air to breathe You're my heart to live You're the one who I love It's hard to say my confession I feel of you like a song In my head , I say what's wrong I'm not me when I think about you Maybe I want to kiss you or give you a hug In my dreams you live like a disease that I can't get well from I see you everywhere , anywhere My eyes blind can't see And my soul can't find her way It's only by going through in your own space, your own road I can't explain that to you And I can't tell you Because you're so far away A lie in my life, an imagination I want it so bad And me asking my self Are you real in time Are you into my world Or it's just a fairy tale I made it in my brain But all what I know Is , just I love you? Written by Me ** park joyeol **