My tears fall Because of you Because of my silly heart I wish I could make you out Of my head Everything becomes worse than before I was fine until you entered to my life When I think about passing your love I feel like a shit My Broken heart A dumbest girl That's me You're like a curse that doesn't erase from my worn-out memory I don't know myself anymore with these tears A river that's leaking out of my eyes and my heart is breaking like sand on an old beach Tears of remorse and sins I committed against me I hated love and being loved I'd like to avenge my dilapidated tears But my stupid heart is tired and doesn't want to lose Because inside me, I know that the result is the same, and my tears will fall and get collapse My self-esteem and my tired eyes I may cry today, so I don't cry anymore This is my promise and my punishment for my tears It's the new beginning by the worst hurt at the end of the day I cried because of you Bye my sadness. **** #realpcy_jo61 " Hurts"
2019-10-10 21:28:39
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Я пам'ятаю. Вибач, я все пам'ятаю. Чому цей біль ніяк не зникає? Час його береже. Мене він, ламає Й душа в нім палає. Пробач за все. Чого ж зберігаю? Усе це лякає. Себе забуваю і душу вбиваю, Та біль все живе. Серце згорає, Розум втрачаю, думки покидають. Ненавиджу це, понад усе. Тебе забуваю. Звички зникають. Віри тепер немає. Кохання вбиває. І допомоги вже не чекаю. Завжди щось втрачаю. Хтось уже добиває, не знаючи це. Можливо, шукала в цім світі святе, Та я не знала, що воно в мені є.
I was alone. I am alone. I will be alone. But why People always lie? I can't hear it Every time! And then They try to come Back. And i Don't understand it. Why?