Part One : Hidden Faces
Cassandra was walking through a dense forest, surrounded by towering trees that seemed to whisper secrets in the wind. As she ventured deeper, a sense of foreboding grew within her. Suddenly, she stumbled upon a clearing, where two massive trees stood intertwined, their branches reaching out like entangled lovers.

Curiosity compelled her to approach, and as she drew closer, her heart quickened. Through a gap in the branches, she witnessed a chilling scene. A woman and a man locked in a passionate embrace, their lips locked in an intimate kiss. But the tranquility shattered abruptly when the woman raised a dagger and plunged it into the man's abdomen.

Time seemed to freeze as the man's eyes widened in shock, blood pouring from his wounded body. The woman turned her gaze towards Cassandra, a sinister smile forming on her lips. Yet, to Cassandra's frustration, their faces remained blurred, their identities concealed.

The blood pooling at their feet underwent a bewildering transformation. It slowly shifted, taking on the hue of rich red wine. In an instant, Cassandra found herself transported from the eerie forest to the dimly lit interior of a bar. She sat alone, a glass of wine before her, its ruby liquid shimmering in the soft glow.

As Cassandra tried to make sense of her surroundings, a figure emerged from the shadows. It was a man, his features obscured by an unsettling blur. He approached her with a deliberate stride, his presence casting a palpable aura of unease. Leaning in close, his voice barely a whisper, he uttered words that sent a chill down Cassandra's spine: "You can't run for long."

Suddenly, Cassandra's eyes shot open, her body drenched in a sheen of cold sweat. Gasping for breath, she reached for her phone and dialed Louise's number. The ringing seemed to stretch on endlessly, amplifying her anxiety. Finally, Louise answered, her voice laced with concern.

"Cassandra, what's wrong?" Louise inquired, sensing the urgency in her friend's voice.

"It's... it's nothing," Cassandra stammered, struggling to collect herself. "I just had a terrible dream. It felt so real, Louise."

Louise's tone softened, understanding Cassandra's distress. "Take a deep breath, Cassandra. It was just a dream. Dreams can be unsettling, but they don't define reality. You're safe."

Cassandra nodded, attempting to steady her trembling hands. "I know, Louise, are you free this evening?"


Cassandra sat across from Louise in her office, her hands tightly crossed in her lap. Louise looked at her with concern and asked, "Was it the same dream again?"

Cassandra nodded solemnly. "Yes, but this time it felt more intense, more real."

Louise leaned forward, her brows furrowing. "Can you describe the dream to me?"

Cassandra took a deep breath and began recounting the details of the dream, leaving out the part about sitting in the bar. "I was walking in a forest and came across two intertwined trees. There was a woman and a man kissing, but then she stabbed him. Their faces were blurry, and I couldn't recognize them."

Cassandra didn't tell Louise about the part in her dream where she's in a bar. It's like she avoids telling Louise anything related to her past, Cassandra fears that Louise's response would be try and find her past. But in no way Cassandra wants to go back in that path. Whatever she has she's happy with that.

Louise nodded, her expression thoughtful. "It sounds like your anxiety has been heightened since starting work. Change can trigger such feelings, especially when it comes to significant life transitions."

Cassandra nodded in agreement. "Yes, the new job and everything... it's been overwhelming."

Louise leaned back in her chair, analyzing the situation. "Tell me, what has been happening these past few weeks? Any notable events or encounters?"

Cassandra hesitated for a moment, deciding what to disclose. "Well, I've been getting to know my colleagues, especially Mal she had some rejections from friend, but I'm planning to take Mal to a party in my office soon, where she can make some networs and" Cassandra takes a pause "I don't know if it's true, but I'm feeling like someone is following me this past few day. Always feel like I'm being watched."

Louise's eyes widened slightly. "Feeling like you're being followed can be a sign of paranoia, but it's important to remain cautious. You can always reach out to me whenever you need to, Cassandra. I'm here for you."

Cassandra gave a small smile, grateful for Louise's support. "Thank you, Louise. I appreciate it."

Cassandra was going to leave when Louise said "Oh! I forgot to tell you, oh my god I'm getting old, Cassandra there was a woman" Louise takes a pause to think "umm last time, yes last time when you visited for a session. She was asking some details about you said she knows you."

Cassandra raised one eyebrow "A woman?"
© Sarah Stewart,
книга «When I Was You».
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