Its You
It was your smile that chased my cares away. Being with you brightens up my day. You are so beautiful I think I otta pay. For whatever you want each and every day. You are the rainbow that comes after rain You are a song that I love to sing If you were a gem you'd be my pinkie ring. You shine so bright you are my bling bling. And I dont ever want to forget this feeling I never want to forget the way I feel Everything that we do with each other. Always seems to feel so real because Its you, its you, its you. You give life to this dead soul And I never wanna let you go. You give life to this dead soul And I gotta make sure you know. Its you. More beautiful than any supermodel You are the butterfly that I'd love to follow. Youre like a summer Sunday sun set You are my reason for not giving up yet. And just for you I'm gonna put you first And always remind you what youre really worth. You 're more precious than the finest gold. And the perfect reason to grow old.. With you.
2019-03-30 22:03:45
Схожі вірші
If it wasn't for you, I would have fought the wall to the pain. If you weren't mine, I'd die every night from losing blood. If it wasn't for your faith, I'd have given up a long time ago. If it were my will, I would stay with you forever. If you'd gone, I'd have been the old emptiness. You would have taken my heart, and instead of it there was an empty aperture. If it wasn't for you, I'd blazed in forgiveness. Would have burned to ashes, until ground, I would have until the last healing.
Я впізнаю тебе серед тисячі лиць, І тихенько, крізь світ, побіжу, І нехай вже позаду мільйони столиць, А я в полі тебе обійму. Обійму і заплачу від щастя свого, Мабуть, більшість йому навіть заздрять, А мені вже давно на них все одно, І на те, що вони мені скажуть. Я, мій милий, єдиний, тобою живу, І в повітрі ловлю твої нотки, Я для тебе співаю і стрічку нову, Запишу у своєму блокноті. Ти малюєш мій сон із мільйону казок, У якому такі різні барви! Ти даруєш мені той рожевий бузок, А із ним, мов мереживо, чари. Від обійм, поцілунків твоїх я горю, Мов метелик над вогнищем синім, Боже мій, якби знав, як тебе я люблю, Якби знав, як без тебе я гину.