Winter, Hospital Bed
Memory was the room I entered down a long corridor Thrown by the white drugs of pain though pain Was adrift on a glassy stream of green tide Where images flickered and ran on I didn’t write poetry for publication In those days but to grab the attention Of readers nearby who had been crushed by life Who floated across the exercise yard like headaches Drinking - rough juice looking sideways For the next punishment for a break or maybe distraction Chips of memory kept rising to the surface Of our minds to take another bite I had no idea why poetry the squid caught me It clung to my brain in the damaging climate A creature in the alien element of air Arising from centuries of survival Thoughts must be inky and capable Of working the bait with a black beak For a quick kill and a metaphysical rise up through the abyss Poetry in those days was a handmade lure There were no fish or birds so I spun my lines To the ones with heads spring-loaded with resentment Their temper a red fleck twitching in an eye While poems of the future waited in line to hear my number.
2020-05-29 19:41:14
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Valour And Faith
Nice thought bro 👌👌
2020-05-29 19:42:41
Enok Mayeny
@Valour And Faith likewise.🤗🤗🤗🤗🙂☺
2020-05-29 19:43:07
Схожі вірші
Хрест - навхрест
Хрест – навхрест в’яжу пейзаж, від учора і до завтра. Кожен жест моїх вдихань має кривду, має правду. Хрест – навхрест мої думки полотно це поглинає. Еверест мого життя чи екватор? Я не знаю. Хрест – навхрест чи треба так? Сподіваюсь, сподіваюсь.. Кожен текст своєї долі витримати намагаюсь. Хрест – навхрест добро та зло. Поруч, разом, нерозривні. Без божеств та без чортів.. Бо живуть усі на рівні. Хрест – навхрест таке життя. І нічого з цим не зробиш. Кожен жест має свій шлях, злий та добрий, ти як хочеш?
I was alone. I am alone. I will be alone. But why People always lie? I can't hear it Every time! And then They try to come Back. And i Don't understand it. Why?