Fresh out of the icebox, this brain looks the wrong way from time to time, and misses the cat stepping by, Gerry on the screen laboring to tell the nuances his pink matter almost notices, he’s not my brother, not really my close friend, just my necessary neighbor on a bicycle going by like a whistle from the lips of someone I trust. He has a peculiar skeleton arranged his own way in the mind’s pasture. We were as they say “of an age” and so inter- twine somehow, though I wanted to work when he wanted to play. That long nose is in my life and in my writing and so is the malakal River. I sometimes get to the river when I am at work, the sun on my back not the ink in my pen. There was, when I was last in the Malakal Valley, a cat with big paws in the neighborhood, I was told, fires I could see along the hillside, stunning heat from the sky, enough to thaw any brain.
2019-12-13 21:51:33
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I was alone. I am alone. I will be alone. But why People always lie? I can't hear it Every time! And then They try to come Back. And i Don't understand it. Why?
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Я пам'ятаю. Вибач, я все пам'ятаю. Чому цей біль ніяк не зникає? Час його береже. Мене він, ламає Й душа в нім палає. Пробач за все. Чого ж зберігаю? Усе це лякає. Себе забуваю і душу вбиваю, Та біль все живе. Серце згорає, Розум втрачаю, думки покидають. Ненавиджу це, понад усе. Тебе забуваю. Звички зникають. Віри тепер немає. Кохання вбиває. І допомоги вже не чекаю. Завжди щось втрачаю. Хтось уже добиває, не знаючи це. Можливо, шукала в цім світі святе, Та я не знала, що воно в мені є.