You and me, of course, and the animals we feed and then slaughter. The boxelder bug with its dot of red, yeast in the air making bread and wine, bacteria in yogurt, carrots, the apple tree, each white blossom. And rock, which lives so slowly it’s hard to imagine it as sand then glass. A sea called dead is one that will not mirror us. We think as human beings we deserve every last thing. Say the element copper. Incandescence glowing bright and soft like Venus. Ductile as a shewolf’s eyes pigmented red or green, exposed to acid in the air. Copper primes your liver, its mines leach lead and arsenic. Smelting is to melting the way smite is to mite. A violence of extraction. What’s lost when a language dies? When its tropes oppose our own? In the at-risk language Aymara the past stretches out in front, the future lags behind. Imagine being led by knowing, imagine the end as clear.
2020-04-21 17:42:29
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Enok Mayeny
Darn it. It so bright. I can't see.
2020-04-24 20:25:37
Схожі вірші
Хрест - навхрест
Хрест – навхрест в’яжу пейзаж, від учора і до завтра. Кожен жест моїх вдихань має кривду, має правду. Хрест – навхрест мої думки полотно це поглинає. Еверест мого життя чи екватор? Я не знаю. Хрест – навхрест чи треба так? Сподіваюсь, сподіваюсь.. Кожен текст своєї долі витримати намагаюсь. Хрест – навхрест добро та зло. Поруч, разом, нерозривні. Без божеств та без чортів.. Бо живуть усі на рівні. Хрест – навхрест таке життя. І нічого з цим не зробиш. Кожен жест має свій шлях, злий та добрий, ти як хочеш?
I was alone. I am alone. I will be alone. But why People always lie? I can't hear it Every time! And then They try to come Back. And i Don't understand it. Why?