Last Time?
'Hey, how are you'? I said when I met her. In the cafe, Where we used to meet. She was looking better, With the new guy she had met. She could see, I was a little high. 'Isn't she yet the beautiful girl you've ever seen', Said my heart. And I was a bit upset, To see her with someone else. Sitting on the corner table, I watched her laugh. She looked so much happy. I had to turn around, Not make her feel awkward. I remembered all the times, The time when I was her man. I recalled the day, When we made that ugly decision. The decision to separate. My heart was burning, And my head throbbed. I got up to leave. But my eyes got stuck on her finger. She still had the ring, Which I gave her. As a promise, Never to leave her alone. She looked at me, On last time. The same way, She used to. Dark circles under her eyes, Probably cause she had not been sleeping well, Or maybe she had been crying. But she did look happy, Or maybe was just pretending. On my way out, Near the exit, She grabbed my hand. 'This is the last time, The one last time you'll ever see me', She said, all in tears. And she was not lying, It was the last time. She is gone, Gone forever. She got a new home, In the sky, with the stars. And now I hate these clouds, That cover the sky at nights. I curse them, Coz they keep me from seeing her every night. She maybe miles away now, But this still is not the LAST TIME.
2020-09-02 15:57:32
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Показати всі коментарі (2)
Anjali_ R
And your words made me tear up..
2020-09-05 04:45:32
Dr. B
@Anjali_R It was never intended to do so.
2020-09-05 14:58:31
Схожі вірші
Твої долоні
Одного разу, я опинюся в твоему полоні, де назавжди сплетуться наші долоні, де у солодкому танці зійдуться дві долі, чиї серця закохаются з власної волі. Бо справжня любов – вона у свободі, вибір за вами: ви палкі чи холодні? А я немов танцую з тобою на льоді і з власноі волі віддаюся у твої долоні.
Хрест - навхрест
Хрест – навхрест в’яжу пейзаж, від учора і до завтра. Кожен жест моїх вдихань має кривду, має правду. Хрест – навхрест мої думки полотно це поглинає. Еверест мого життя чи екватор? Я не знаю. Хрест – навхрест чи треба так? Сподіваюсь, сподіваюсь.. Кожен текст своєї долі витримати намагаюсь. Хрест – навхрест добро та зло. Поруч, разом, нерозривні. Без божеств та без чортів.. Бо живуть усі на рівні. Хрест – навхрест таке життя. І нічого з цим не зробиш. Кожен жест має свій шлях, злий та добрий, ти як хочеш?