Moonlight (Lupis:female)
Vision (Melody:female)
Death (Finis:male)
Family (Xylyn:female)
Family (Xylyn:female)
: Spanish class :

"Family is love, a group that you can always come back to, and friends that never leave your side. Family never gives up on each other, no matter what. Family is where you can mess up major, and they will accept it, forgive, and understand. Family doesn't have to be blood related." I stated confidently to my boyfriend, Xavier, a junior in high school (he's 16) ,who has golden hair,deep red eyes, and tan skin.

"I'm lucky to have you aren't I?" He asked proudly as I got up, swinging backpack on.

"Major luck is the only possible answer." I responded playfully, kissing him on the top of the head before tucking a loose strand of my natural bleach-blond, long hair behind my left ear.

"Hey now where are you off to?" Melody, his younger, my age (14), sister who has tan skin, bleach blond hair, and violet eyes asked me curiously.

" I am off to my job, bailing us out of this dreadful class." I explained slyly as I caught a few hopeful glanced from the silent tables of high schoolers around us.

I confidently walked up to Mr.Grelen at the front of the dark spanish classroom.

"¿Podemos saltear hoy? Esta clase es algo  terrible." I asked kindly, basically plain out asking if we could skip this utterly dreadful class, as I made my eyes glow a subtle peach.

"S-sure." He stuttered, terrified/petrified, partially because of the fact that he knew vampires, werewolves, and witches, ext. are real, but mainly because since my eyes glowed a peach, it meant I was one of the two main founding.

The founding, are the first ten vampires, werewolves, and witches to ever exist. The main two founding, are vampire, werewolf, and witch at the same time, with a few special features like being able to control when we turn into wolves, and only needing a minimum amount of blood, which I get from a blood bank, and all of my strengths are turned up to over a 100 times more than even a normal founding. The founding have been around for about 85,000 years.

While the two main founding's eyes glow peach, normal founding's eyes glow light grey, werewolves eyes glow a white, vampires eyes glow a deep maroon, and witches eyes are naturally a unnatural  color that just glows that color but brighter.

I spun around after making my peach-glowing eyes go back to their natural color of a bright blue-green.

Motioning for Xavier and Melody to follow me to the door, I nodded to the rest of the class that had been waiting, motioning that it was ok to skip. Which followed in sighs of relief.

As we hurried out of the classroom, Xavier put one of his firm arms around me, and the other around Melody.

"My girls, forever mine." He stated seriously protective, hugging us both close to his chest before lifting us both up, and twirled us both before putting us  back down, me and Melody laughing uncontrollably at his sudden emotion.

"Your such a dork." Melody half laughed as her violet eyes glowed (literally) with happiness.

"Well you have to know one to be one lil sis." He stated, motioning towards her.

"Well that's why your such a rare case!" Melody responded, still laughing uncontrollably as we walked out the front doors and headed to my black Ferrari.

© Amrin Vel Mors,
книга «The Fate ( fantasy creatures )».
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Arin lee
Family (Xylyn:female)
This is my new account)
2018-08-04 06:08:27