Moonlight (Lupis:female)
Vision (Melody:female)
Death (Finis:male)
Family (Xylyn:female)
Death (Finis:male)
I sit in the oak wood window sill, gazing intently out at the glowing stars of the late midnight hour. The full moon rays casting down, illuminating my deep ocean blue eyes. Resting my pale hands on the wooden window frame, my mind pondering what tomorrow shall be like, new school, new life, same boring me... I couldn't help it that I don't show a lot of emotion... even though I feel a ton. I'm a normal kid that doesn't show a lot of emotion for good reasons, like not wanting anyone to get close to me so they can't hurt me... even though my older sixteen year old sister, maiyaey, says that's bad for me.

I pushed the idea out of my over exaggerating mind, leaping off of the window sill onto the old oak wood flooring of the freshly refurbished "luxurious" mansion. Running my fingers through my dark brown hair that my sister said laid "naturally handsomely".

I walked to the side corner of the small antique room, sitting down on the side of a grey cot. The small bedroom was one of the multiple towers of the gargantuan stone brick mansion, which also happened to be the last room to be remodeled with any extra materials that had been left. I didn't dare tell maiyaey, my "legal guardian" since our parents died, but the mansion that our family had lived in when I was little looked more like a haunted mansion than a house that a normal family lived in.  But no, we just had to move back here.

Other than the oak wood window sill with the window seat, the rest of the tower had old oak wood bookshelves covering the stone walls. They had taken out a few of the fully stuffed bookshelves to make room for a twin sided bed where I had the cot for now. Since our parents didn't pick up anything when we moved, there were still books crowding the bookshelves of the small tower room with the books from the bookshelves they took out laying on top of the bookshelves.  

There wasn't even a door,staircase,or ladder to get down from the stone tower of the eight story mansion. Apparently you have to climb out of the oak window out onto the small stone balcony, and climb down into the hallway window of the story below using your climbing abilities and hope you don't fall to your tragic death. Maiyaey explained it in extreme detail, probably hoping I wouldn't fall to my death, and regretting that she let me choose my bedroom.

Noticing I had let my mind wander once again, I reached and gripped an older looking book off of a close bookshelf to my left. I hesitantly opened it and started reading it...

Autumn, 1639

Today, I almost killed Elizabeth... She tis my grandchild , even though she tis prey. Tomorrow, thy shall grab thou best horse, and make thee three sunlights trip to thee southern colony to search for whom shall be like me. Wish thou greatest luck.
- Katherine Laken

Glancing upward at all of the books, I realized all of the books were diaries of various time periods with the same symbol that was similar to a over curvy lower case k on the spine of the old journals. I read the name Katherine Laken once again, a cold shiver creeping up my spine as I recognized that name as the name from my mother's horror bed time stories from when I was little. According to the stories, she was what we now call a vampire, but those stories couldn't possibly be true... even if they were real... she didn't sound as bad as my mother made her out to be.

I froze as a memory came into my mind...  my mothers maden name (a girls last name before she gets married) was Laken. I took a deep breath as I pondered the thought if vampires could possibly be real. I shot up into a standing position and hurried and grabbed another journal, and scanned throughout the pages quickly but thoroughly, catching dates and the same name over and over 'Katherine Laken', with dates from the 1700s to the 1750s in this particular book. I dropped the book down onto the flooring in shock. Vampires were real...

I ran over to the window, climbed through the window, slid over the railing holding on tightly, sliding down the railing in till I was hanging by one hand, reaching for the handle of the hallway window that maiyaey probably closed on accident. Noticing in horror I couldn't reach it I tried to pull myself back up, failing before a pain from my heart caused me to go limp. I fell through the open air, reaching everywhere for a grip, in my last moments sorrow entered my heart... maiyaey will be all alone... Everything went black.

© Amrin Vel Mors,
книга «The Fate ( fantasy creatures )».
Family (Xylyn:female)
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Показати всі коментарі (2)
Amrin Vel Mors
Death (Finis:male)
Don't be eoreied, Finis survives somehow
2018-02-18 02:15:51
Amrin Vel Mors
Death (Finis:male)
Worried , that auto correct really hates me lol
2018-02-18 02:16:13