Chapter 1 - rejected by the alpha's son
Chapter 2 - Missing
chapter 3 - journal entries
Chapter 4 - Lies
chapter 5 - Forgiveness
chapter 5 - Forgiveness

“W-what’s he doing here?” I mind-link Zayn.

“No idea,” Zayn replies. “I’ll get alpha.”

“Okay. Hurry!” Lucy butts in.

Luke shifts back. “What are you doing here?” He asks.

“You have something we want.” His voice sent tingles down my spine. “You thought we wouldn’t notice you had her?”

My fur lifts along my spine. “Curtesy of your Delta’s hint of course, no other pack… had a response quite like yours.” Chase growled.

“What do you mean? Our delta?” Luke growls back.

“So he figured it out.” Frisk walked out of the bushes. “I knew he would. But, she’s a part of our pack now. You’re too late, Chase.”

“You told him where she was?!”

“No. I gave him a hint.”

“Why would you do that?!” Lucy gasps, shifting back.

“Because. They both can’t hide from eachother.” Frisk says, being very secretive.

“Why? It’s not like…” Zayn had shifted back, and his eyes widened as he finally realized, “they’re… Mates?”

I shift back. “Yes. We were. Key word ‘were’ he rejected me.” I growl, looking away.

“I kind of figured. Well, Chase, don’t you have something to say?” Frisk narrows her eyes.

“I…. I’m sorry, Lavender. I shouldn’t have rejected you.” He mumbled sincerely.

“Why should I forgive you…?” I ask. “You caused me more pain than you could ever imagine.”

Chase looked down. “I…I know. And… I’m sorry for that. I followed my dad’s example, when I should’ve followed my mom’s example.”

“Why should I believe that?” I narrow my eyes. Maybe if he answers this correctly, he’ll have a chance. Everyone stays silent.

“Because… I’ve changed – do you know how hard it was to sleep after I rejected you? It was horrible - I could hardly get up in the morning, to try and find you, and you brother and sister… They were as bad as me – maybe worse. I really am sorry – we all are.” He had tears in his eyes.

I shut my eyes. “Alright. I forgive you, but, I want to stay in my new pack.”

Chase looks down again. “O-okay, at least you forgive me…” He shifts, and walks back over the border, with one last look at me. It was clear he was saying, ‘bye.’

As he ran out of sight, I sigh and look down.

“It’s going to be okay, Lav.” Zayn murmurs, hugging me.

“I sure hope so…” I whimper.

This run sure soured quickly. As we make our way to pack-house, we realize that Zayn never contacted alpha, but, in fact, Frisk. Frisk asked him to, if anything happened out while we were on a run.

“’night, everybody,” I whisper, and everyone hugs me, including Alpha and Luna.

“Night Lavender. If you need anything, just call me, okay?” Zayn smiles weakly at me.

“I-I will,” I say as I go into my room. “Time to read more of Frisk’s journal…”

Pulling it out of the small compartment, I start reading more. It was kind of scary, she had it worse than me… ‘She can’t be hurt by anyone now. She’s a delta female.’ That gives me some sense of comfort, even though it happened to me, too.

“That’s horrible…” I whisper, as I put it back in the compartment.

“Another day, new secrets discovered, I guess…” I manage to get to sleep, my dreams more like memories, of the abuse, clouding my mind.

© rhymestar71,
книга «Mutt [Werewolf story]».
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Amrin Vel Mors
chapter 5 - Forgiveness
Its great!
2018-02-13 07:59:26