Chapter 1 - rejected by the alpha's son
Chapter 2 - Missing
chapter 3 - journal entries
Chapter 4 - Lies
chapter 5 - Forgiveness
Chapter 4 - Lies

Chase’s POV:

I finally got to sleep last night.

Meeting my parents in my dad’s office, we start talking about… our problem.

“I have new info…” I mumble.

“What is it, son?” My dad asks.

“I think she used my room to get out – my room was covered in her scent.” I explain quietly.

“Well, I wonder if she just picked a random room, and left…” My dad paused for a moment, “or if it was intentional, to let us know that she wasn’t coming back.”

At the thought of that, my wolf and I weren’t very happy.

“We’ll send out search parties – Chase, you’ll lead one, I’ll lead the other, and, if alpha and Luna wish to, then they can aswell.” Beta proposed.

“We’ll do that.” My father said.

“Enough people to fight off rogues if they need to, but, not enough to cloud the possible scent. Plus, one group will go in each direction, Chase north, Beta east, and, we’ll go south and west. Choose your people.” Dad said.

I sigh, and walk out of the room, to find Jackson and Lyra.

Jackson’s scent hit me as he turned the corner with a scowl on his face. “We’re hungry! Where’s omega?” He snarls.

I flinch slightly. “About that… Omega… Sort of…”

“Spit it out, we’re hungry!” Lyra comes storming up.

‘perfect, now, I’ll have two angry, hungry, werewolves to yell at me!’ I think sullenly.

‘you deserve it, you chased our mate away,’ My wolf grumbles, before blocking me out again.

“She… Left.”

They both went silent for a moment, shocked. “W-why…?” Lyra gasped out.

“I-I guess she had enough of everything, we’re sending out search parties, I was wondering if you wanted to join mine…” I murmur, looking down.

“We’ve gotta find her, she’s our sister!” Jack growled.

“Sure didn’t seem like it.” We heard a voice from behind us, turning around, eyes narrowed, we looked and saw our old omega, the one before Lavender. “You abused her everyday – for something she didn’t do. But you needed someone to blame for your parents’ deaths. So you chose a five year old. Real mature, really, really, mature…”

Both of them looked down, ashamed. “I know where she is.”

“Y-you do?!” I gasp out, and look up.

“Yes, she’s closer than you imagined. Check the packs that are close… You might find someone you want to see.” She winked at me.

‘Does she know?’ I think.

“Well, bye, I’ve gotta talk to your alpha, if he hasn’t left already.” Delta Frisk smiled softly. (A/N I couldn’t resist. I wanted/needed to use “Frisk”)

“Alright, well, bye Delta Frisk.” I mumble.

“We’ll join you, but first, mind-link your dad and see if we can go to the nearest packs.” Lyra said. “He’ll listen to you.”

I nod. “Hey, dad, I was wondering if we could go to some of the nearest packs to our territory,” I mindlink him.

“Why?” He asks.

“Delta Frisk told us that we should check out the nearby packs, and that ‘omega’ is closer than we’d ever dreamed.” I explain.

“Okay, but, wait for a patrol – we don’t want to start a war over something so small.” He tells me.


‘Our mate is not “’small’”!’ My wolf grumbled angrily.

Ignoring him, I look at the two hopeful wolves in front of me. “He said we could…” I start, “but, we have to wait for a patrol, so we don’t start a war over something so ‘small.’ His words, not mine.”

“Our sister is not small!” Jack growled.

“Yeah, she’s not!” Lyra growled, too.

“I know, anyways, let’s go.”

******To the Shadow Moon border******

“How long will we have to wait until a patrol comes?” Lyra complains. “It’s been hours!”

“We’ve gotta have patience.” I murmur. It’s like trying to calm down a 3 year old who’s crying. They won’t stop.

“But- Hey! It’s somebody, they must be a part of their pack!”

And by somebody, he meant many somebodies. A black wolf, with a diamond on it’s forehead (white,); a grey/brown she-wolf, with a white tail and a white paw; a white wolf with a black paw; and a tan wolf with brown ears, brown tail, and brown spot over one of her eyes, she also had grey paws.

“Hi… We were wondering-“

I was cut-off by Jack saying, “Have you seen my sister? She’s about 5”9, she’s got black hair, and light green eyes…”

The tan wolf froze, and backed away slowly.

The black wolf looked over his shoulder, and pushed her forward again.

One of them shifted back. “We’ve seen no such person, but, if we will, we’ll notify you. You’re from the… Cold rivers pack, yes?”

“Yes,” I murmur. “I’m the to-be alpha, and this is her brother and sister.”

The black haired boy nods, before shifting back, and they continued on their patrol.

“We’d better keep looking,” Lyra mumbles. “This would have never happened if I hadn’t blamed our parents dying on her…”

For once, Jack didn’t have a snide comment, because, he did, too.

Lavender’s POV:

“That was close,” I gasp, as we make it back to pack-house.

“You backing away almost gave you away, Lav.” Zayn mumbles. “They didn’t seem suspicious, though, actually, I think, your brother looked suspicious…”

“What if he knows, Zayn?” I whimper. “Will alpha make me go back?”

“No. I won’t. I’ll even go to war over it.” Alpha spoke up. From where he was sitting next to the omega and his mate, the Luna.

“T-thank you alpha!” I gasp. That’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me… It’s sad.

“Well, we’d better get to our rooms.” Luke mutters.

“Right. See you, guys,” Lucy grins, and runs off.

Zayn and I went to our rooms. Ever since I woke up, I feel like they know something. I want to write in my journal… Where is my journal? I probably stashed it somewhere stupid. (E.G, under pillows, the bed, under the wardrobe, the lamp, in the little compartment in the wall, etc.)

“Hmmm…” I look at the compartment in the wall, and pull out a book, covered in dust. Eyes narrowed, I look at it. “’Frisk’s journal,’” and underneath that, “’KEEP OUT!’” I whisper, yelled that.

“Uhh, Lav, you okay?”

“Oh, yea, I’m fine, hehe…” I say loud enough for Zayn to hear.

“You’re like Lucy, geez.” I can hear Zayn laughing from here.

(A/N This book will be an extra, I’ll make an entirely different book, which is just frisk’s journal,)

Looking through it, I gasp, realizing its Delta Frisk’s journal. The old omega of our – the cold rivers pack.

“Wow…” I whisper, before sticking it back in the little compartment, to read more later. I felt kind of bad reading it without her permission, but, it’ll give me some ideas to why a strong wolf like her was omega.

I slip into my pajamas, because, alpha insisted on buying me more than I’d ever need for clothes, and all the stuffed animals and pillows I’ll ever need. Alpha’s so nice. Better than my old alpha…

Climbing into bed, I quickly go to sleep, with no horrible dreams.

“Wake up! Wake up! It’s morning!” Lucy yelled, jumping on my bed.

“Go away, let me sleeepp…” I murmur, holding Cole closer to my body, almost slipping back into sleep-land.

“Nope. We’ve gotta eat breakfast! Omega made a big breakfast for us all!” Lucy paused for a moment, “Oh wait, ‘all’ including her, too, don’t worry!”

“I wasn’t worried for a second…” I mumble, even though I was, very, very, worried. Giving up sleep, I shouted, “Alright, I’m up!”

“Yay!” Lucy jumped on my bed one last time, before jumping on the beanbag covered in stuffed animals and blankets/pillows. She laughed, her head was covered by everything on the beanbag. “Right, let’s go eat a big breakfast!”

“You’ve never had bacon?!” Zayn gasped. “Or eggs, or pancakes or even waffles?”

I shook my head, “Most I ever got was a buiscuit, if I was lucky.”

“Well, that can’t do, now can it?” Delta Frisk said as she entered the room.

“Nope!” Lucy spoke up, side-hugging me tightly.

They literally stacked my plate with bacon, eggs, and pancakes.

I ate a bit of bacon, and by bit, I mean nearly all of it, and all the eggs – being a newly shifter, I get hungry, very, very easily. I struggled to get down the last of the pancakes, and by the time I gave up, there was one left.

Lucy snatched it off my plate, “You’re not going to eat it, so I will!” Luke rolled his eyes.

“Of course. Give it to omega,” We all looked over at omega, who’s plate was nearly overflowing with pancakes, bacon, and eggs.

“I think omega’s got enough to handle.” Delta Frisk laughed quietly, pointing to the groaning omega who’s head was on the table.

“Alright, you can have it.” Luke sighed.

“YAY!” Lucy screamed, making people look at us, before looking away, realizing it was just Lucy being Lucy.

“We’re going to go out for a run today, wanna come with us, Lav?” Luke asks.

“Sure, let me go get ready, Lucy dragged me down here before I even got ready,” I roll my eyes.

“We’re not ready either, so let’s go.” Lucy smirked.

“Right, see you ‘round, Delta Frisk,” Zayn says formally.

“Just call me Frisk, please.” Frisk says.

“Alright D- Frisk.”

“Bye, Frisk,” I say, and head to my room.

Getting ready, I quickly head back down.

“Great. You’re finally ready, let’s go!” Lucy yips.

“’right, I say we go to the northern border.” Zayn says before shifting.

“Okay,” I say as I shift. Everyone shifts.

We start running towards northern border, but I stop arubtly, not expecting to see what was in front of us…

© rhymestar71,
книга «Mutt [Werewolf story]».
chapter 5 - Forgiveness
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Vrynscyth Valerie
Chapter 4 - Lies
Your writing gets better and better over the chapters. Maybe you can consider revising the first few chapters.
2018-04-05 02:21:18