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My Childhood Days
When did my childhood go? Was it the day I ceased to be eleven. Was it the time I realised that Hell and Heaven, Could not be found in Geography, And therefore could not be, Was that the day! When did my Childhood go? Was it the time I realised that adults were not all they seemed to be, They talked of love and preached of love, But did not act so lovingly, Was that the day! When did my Childhood go? Was it when I found my mind was really mine, To use whichever way I Choose, Producing thoughts that were not those of other people But my own, And mine alone Was that the day! When did my Childhood go? It went to some forgotten place, That's hidden in an infant's face, That's all I know. BY- Dhurv Gregory.
To Father With Love.
A Fathers Love- I Look Up Into His Smiling Face, See Kindness And Love Shine Through. He Lifts Me Into His Arms, Hold Me Close,And Whisper's I Love You Little One. As He Sits In His Big Comfortable Chair, I Snuggle Up Close On His Lap. He Combs My Hair,And To Tell How Much He Cares. Give Me A Kiss On The Cheek And Tells Me That He, Will Always Be There For Me. A Father's Love- SO Simple And Real, It Is What Every Little Child Needs. I Rest My Head On His Chest And Smile, A Smile of Satisfied Happiness. I Close My Eyes and carried off the sleep, I The safety of my Father's Arms. I Hear A Bird,I Start to Tremble, But I Fight Back The Wakefulness. I Open My Eyes And A Single Tear Is Released. My Dream Quickly Fades Away- But The Sadness Of What Has Happened Remains, The Longing For What I Did Never Had. A Dark And Distant Soul Was He, A Somewhat Stern But A Kindly Man. l Loved Him Oh So Dearly, But His Kisses And His Hugs Weren't Meant For Me Now, I Wondered What I have Done To Him,To Stop Him Loving Me. Acceptance Seemed The Better Choice, to Keep My Sanity, I Promise That One Day I Will Gain The Strength To Ask Him Why This Was So. But The Years Went By And Now He Is Gone, So I Will Never Know, Why He Could Never Say He Loved Me. Written By Dhurv Gregory