Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 7
Melody's P.O.V.

By 6'o clock, I completed my bath and wear some pajamas since the library is opened at 9. After every nightmare, I always go for a walk to calm my nerves. So I grab my phone, got out and started walking. The instant the cold air hit my face, my body loose it's stiffness and relaxed. The walk has no destination. An hour later when I'm sure to start the day normally, I returned to home.

Though I'm good now, I don't want to eat any breakfast. Because if I do, then I'll just start to throw up. Or maybe just I'm just assuming it. Even after a lot of sessions I'm so scared to eat anything after my dreams thinking I'll begin to throw up continuously. So prudently, I decided to not eat.

Before I took the sessions, I used to puke very badly that sometimes it leads me to faint in the bathroom. It's the time I realised that I had no one to look after me. So I took the matter in my hands, go to the sessions and succeeded in preventing my dreams. But not from their affect.

Nightmares are more often now. They always get me. When I first started here, I didn't recover fully from them that once Daisy asked me why I have such a zombie face ( in her words). So I tried hard to control them.

And another irksome problem for me is panic attacks. At first, I get them even by the slight thought of him. But now, by treatment I'm not getting those since 3 years. My body doesn't react to the treatment at first due to these attacks. So my doctor Karen Summers focused on these attacks first. I'm so weak at that time as I'm puking everything I ate. It's so hard for me. But I take my chance. It's the only thing I can do. And that results now is this. My own house, own library, a life without him. I wouldn't take any of this for granted. Any of this. Because I know how much I endured to achieve this.

Get a grip on yourself Mel. If you keep thinking all these, you'll fall into depression. This is a fresh day. A fresh start. Make this a good day. 

Taking a deep breath, I started to get ready. It's already eight'o clock. So I decided to open the library a little early so that I can take these thoughts off my mind.

As soon as I opened the library, a warm breeze enclosed me just like a mother hugs her child. I always got this feeling whenever I entered here. Like I don't have any battle to fight and I can live my life at peace. But I also know that's not possible. Because he's out there. Probably searching for me. Then again I made sure to not left any single trace that would lead him to me.

I shook my head hoping to get rid of those memories.

Taking a book in my hands, I sat behind the desk. But my mind is somewhere. People are coming every now and then. Almost all are nice to me here. I'm really lucky to be here. Though I like my house, the feeling of home is here for me. This library. Always makes me feel safe.

Looking through the glass window, I saw Daisy and Tyson are coming towards here. As you can say, they're bickering about something. I don't know why they don't confess to each other. While I'm still remain in these thoughts they already came, looking at me weirdly. By their looks, I'm sure they got here quite sometime.

"Hey guys" I smiled at them.

"Hey Mel"

"I'm so sorry" Tyson and Daisy said at the same time.

"Why are you apologizing Daisy?" I asked confused at her behavior.

Then I look close at her. Her eyes are red and puffed, nose is red too. And her pale skin doing nothing much to hide this.

She's been crying.

"Are you crying Daisy? Why?" I asked again worried about her.

"She's crying because she think you'd be angry at her for leaving you at the party" Tyson said on the behalf of Daisy.

I came forward to her quickly.

"Oh honey!!! I'm not angry at you. Why would you think like that?" I hugged her seeing wet in her eyes.

"Hunter told me about Marcus. I'm so sorry Mel. I promised you I'd be with you all the time. But I didn't stand by my word. What if something happens to you? I shouldn't do that. Please forgive me" she said looking down.

Knowing she's blaming herself for this, I said to her smoothly.

"No Daisy, there's nothing to be sorry and definitely nothing to forgive. You did nothing wrong. Look at this, you wouldn't left me if you know there is danger to me, right?" 

She nodded her head quietly.

"Moreover, when your brother came Marcus left me. So, you don't have to worry about that. Really honey, there's nothing to sorry" I said trying to console her.

"But still, I shouldn't left you alone" She said sadly with a guilt in her eyes.

God!! Help me.... What do I do? Even if I tell that I forgive her, she'd still feel guilty.

"Okay...Make it up to me. Give me a coffee treat and a girl's night. I'll be happy" I said to cheer her.

She smiled, "Alright. When you're about to close, give me a call to pick you up".

"Done" I grinned at her.

"Count me in" Tyson said excitedly.


"Noooo" we both said at the same time.

"No, Tyson. Didn't you hear us? It's a girl's night. Unless you had a doubt in your gender, you're free to join us" Daisy said smirking and challenging him to deny her.

Daisy is an expert in hush up everyone.

"No thanks" he grumbled at her taking the book I was reading earlier. I don't even know what it is.

Tyson raised his eyebrows at me showing the book.

Oh My God!!!!! It's Fifty Shades of Grey.

Out of all books, why did I have to pick up THAT book????

"Wow, sweet and innocent Mel reading Fifty Shades of Gray. I'm totally surprised" Tyson wiggled his brows at me.

"No no no no. I just picked a random book. I don't even know it's that one" I said hurriedly.

"Cool.... Why are you fidgeting? Do you read it?" he asked with a knowing smirk.

Yes, I do read it. But only half of the first book. After that I don't have it in me to complete it.

And ofcourse I'm not going to tell him that. 

"No, I just learn about the story. Then I'm not interested to read it" I said shyly looking down.

He chuckled at me putting it aside on the table.

"Okay then. I have to go now. We have a race down the street" he said.

At the mention of race I saw Daisy eyes filled with fear.

"Daisy, do you stay here or come with me?"

"No. I'll just be here some time. And also I didn't have anything to do. So..." she trailed of as Tyson nodded at her.

"Fine. Maybe you should be here with Mel today as you were having a girl's night. All members of club are going to be in this race. So I'll pick you tomorrow. Alright" he said to Daisy.

"Yeah. Mel, do you have any problem with that?" she asked me.

"No. Not at all" I said cheerfully, so happy that she's staying overnight.

The last thing I want to do is to stay alone in the night today. I need someone with me to stop these thoughts. And for nightmares, I can just take some sleeping pills. So, that's not a problem.

Daisy smiled at me and turned to Tyson.

"I'll call you tomorrow"

"Okay then. Bye" he said to us.

Tyson stared at Daisy for a moment, then leaned forward and kissed her forehead for a minute.

"Be safe" he murmured to her and leaved us.

The minute he was out of my sight I turned to Daisy.

"Tell me what happened?" I ordered her.

Daisy is confused about my question.

"What are you talking about?"

"I've known you for 3 years, Daisy. Not once I saw you cry. And I also know you don't cry for petty matters. From what I saw, you are the strongest person I've ever known. So, tell me why did you cry for a small reason. That too when you know your brother helped me?" I asked seriously.

Daisy signed, sat next to my seat and motioned me to sit with her. When I did, she started.

"When I was 5 years old, my Mom and Dad always at work. But when they're at home, that's was the best days of my entire life. I don't remember all of them bot I do remember the love they showed us. On Hunter's birthday, they can't make it here because of the work. The next week after his birthday is mine. When they didn't come to his, I was scared that they wouldn't come to mine also. So I made them promise me that even with the heavy work, they had to arrive at mine birthday. That's the biggest mistake of my life" she started sobbing uncontrollably.

I quickly leaned and hugged her.

"Shh.... honey, you don't have to say anything if you don't want to. I can understand" I tried to console her.

"No Mel, I-I need to talk. I n-need to relieve this p-pain" she said stuttering.

I just nodded my head knowing she need to do it.

"They kept their promise. They were coming. At that time its raining heavily and they met with an accident".

I sucked a deep breath not imagining this.

"They started at the midnight even it's raining hoping to make it to the morning. Just for me. For the word they gave me. I shouldn't made them promise me. I shouldn't force them. I shouldn't" she's crying so badly that her shoulders are shaking due to her sobs. 

"So when Hunter told me about Marcus, I'm scared that something could have happened to you because of me just like my parents".

I just hugged her again tightly, rubbing her back wishing to give her some comfort. I can totally understand she's feeling guilty.

"Shh... Daisy, you're not at the fault. You don't do anything wrong. Please don't cry. Your parents wouldn't want that."

"No Mel, they died because of me" she said trying to control her cries.

"No honey. You just want to be with them for your birthday. It's not your fault.They want to see you happy. They didn't leave you alone, right? You have your brother who would turn the entire world upside down for you. Don't blame yourself. Forget about your past. All the sad memories. Only remember your happy moments with your parents. You told me you remember their love, right? That's enough for you Daisy. Their love is enough. Recollect all your happy moments with them. If you do that, the pain will be gone before you know it. Think about your parents. Do you think they will be happy seeing you torturing yourself with the guilt?" I asked her softly wiping away her tears.

She shooked her head negatively looking at me.

"Then don't blame yourself. Always remember your best moments with them. Take your pain and turn it into your happiness. If you're happy, your parents will be at peace. After all, that's what all parents want, right? To their children be happy. With or without them. So next time I saw the tears in your eyes over your parents, I want it to be only happy tears. Okay?" I asked her smiling.

She too smiled slightly. 

The guilt in her eyes seemed to be decreased.

Nodding her head, "you know Mel, I always thought you are like my sister"

"Aww sweety, you don't have to tell me. I know it. You're my sister too" I said hugging her.

She laughed and hugged me tightly too.

"Okay then. Enough with the sad stories. Now let's go and enjoy this moment with coffee. Your treat remember?" I asked rubbing my hands with a dreamy look thinking about coffee.

She threw her head back laughing loudly.

"Sure let's go" I smiled at her.

All this time, only one thought is playing with my mind.

Maybe I succeeded in removing your guilt Daisy. But what do I have to do to remove mine??
© Meghana Singaraju,
книга «Cold Burning Hearts».
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Angela Everly
Chapter 7
Do you update regularly cause i love this story
2018-06-03 22:08:28
كاســـــــــرة القيـــــــــود
Chapter 7
i'm in love with this story 😍
2018-07-17 16:35:06
thin thin
Chapter 7
I love this story.
2019-12-30 15:02:12