Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 15
Hunter's P.O.V.

"I want you to get me every detail on Melody Jacobs" I ordered Alec.

He appeared confused but nodded regardless.

"Why? Anything suspicious about her?"

Yeah! Everything......

But I didn't tell him that.

"Don't know. Make sure you get everything. Her birth, parents, family, friends, lovers..... Every fucking thing"

"Alright" he said before leaving the room.

After having breakfast with everyone, I came straight to my office not able to stand there another second watching Melody and not doing anything.

The way she's with Cara, soft and affectionate.

The way she's with Adrian and Jenna, polite and respectful.

The way she's with club members, loving and friendly.

The way she's with me, shy and cute.

Fuck..... Everything about her is so damn enticing. Her politeness, friendly nature, shyness and the strength she shows after that incident.

Everyone saw it broke her down. It messes up with her head. But I saw the strength in her later. Yeah she's shattered by it. But she gathered all her pieces one by one, fixed herself up without anyone's help. 

So strong and independent, yet so shy and loving. Her strength, her courage is so fascinating. I admire her for that. But I also hate it. Hate that she had to be strong. Hate that she had to have courage.

One look at her, I can tell she endured a lot than she shows. She may act with everyone and can make them believe she's fine and happy.

But not me.....

She can't guard it from me. She can never make me believe it. I can see it crystal clear in her eyes. Her eyes are so expressive. I think back to when I held her in dining hall. I can still feel her in my arms. She's so soft and petite instantly makes me want to protect her. Her waist is so small in my hands. I like the way she fits in my arms so perfectly. 

Immediately shooking my head to get rid of these thoughts, I called Gabriel.

Few minutes later, when he come to my room, I ordered him straightly.

"Guard Melody 24/7. That's your only job till it's safe. Don't leave her alone when she's outside. In here, others can look out for her"

He nodded mutely.

"Don't tell about the note to anyone. Let's keep it a secret for now" I continued.

Gabriel agreed in understanding. He knows too well why I want to keep this away from them. I don't want Daisy or Melody to be more scared than they are now.

"Anything else?" he asked getting ready to leave.

I paused for a minute hesitating whether to ask him or mot. Finally I decided to ask.

"Call Melody" 

He raised a brow but didn't question me. I saw his lips tipped up in a small smile as he closed the door.

The moment I was alone, I realized my mistake.

What should I talk to her?!

Damn it!

What do I do when she comes here? I'll definitely look like a stupid infront of her. Just then I heard a knock on the door making my heart skip a beat.


Melody's P.O.V

"Please Daisy, just this once. No one can even notice my absence. I'll quickly go there, pick it up and return immediately. I promise" I begged her.

This morning I promised Cara I'll read Beauty and the Beast to her and I definitely don't want to disappoint her just because I can't keep my word.

In a short period of time, Cara really touched my heart with her cute and innocent gestures. She's such a sweetheart. That's why I don't want to be the reason behind her sadness. So, I intend to go to library to bring the book and asked Daisy but she denied so strongly.

"No Melody. Either you take Gabriel with you or you're not going at all. It may seem harsh but I can't take risk with your life. Try to understand" she explained.

I know why she's rejecting my idea. But it's just 10 minute distance from here. And that's what I told to her.

"Even if it's 2 minutes distance, I still don't agree with you going alone. Go ask Hunter if you want. If he agrees, then I have no problem" she stated.

She knows there's no way I'm asking Hunter. 

I inhaled heavily trying to think about something other than this to keep my mind off from it. My whole secured life changed in a few seconds. One minute, I was happy with the life I was leading and the next second it was ripped away from me. This reminds me of the days after I escaped from him. That days were worst days in my life cause living with him, I got used to hell. But after I tasted freedom, I began to be afraid of him finding me even more than before.

Is it possible for me to live for just one day without being scared? Without constantly looking back afraid of someone following me?

Maybe not.....

"I'm so sorry Mel. But please understand that I can't put your life at risk" Daisy mumbled.

"It's okay. I'll ask Gabriel to accompany me" I assured her.

Soon after, Gabriel came to us.

"Hunter wants to meet you" he said to me.

Oh My God!!!

"Umm..... Why?" I dared to ask him.

He scrutinized me for some time enough to make my nerves tense in fear before replying "Don't know."

I turned to Daisy scared of going alone.

She shrugged clearly getting my pleading, but acting like an innocent she get out of the room without even glancing back at me.

My eyes narrowed at her retreating figure.


My mind is now running with the speed of F1 race car thinking of the excuses to escape this. But seeing as currently I'm living in HIS club, I can't go into hiding from him forever. I sighed at my fate.

"Uh..... Where is he?" I asked Gabriel who is standing throughout my inner battle.

"Office room" he replied.

Maybe one word answers are his specialty.

I silently walked to his office praying not to make this another disaster.

Last time I went into his office, let's just say, it really doesn't turned out to be a pretty memory.

When I reached his door, my heart thudding wildly so much that I'm scared it would leap out of my chest. Mustering all my courage, I lifted my hand to knock the door.

Hearing 'come in' from inside, I slowly opened the door. I stepped into the room looking down standing in the middle.I feel like a student in the teacher room getting detention.

"I'm not a teacher and you're not a student, Melody" Hunter stated suddenly making my eyes widened at him.

Did he just read my mind?!

"No kitten. You said it aloud" he replied amusing.

I cringed at it slightly as my embarrassment grows enormously.

"Sit" he commanded switching to serious mode.

I sat in the chair infront of the table where as Hunter is in the other side of the table. He is examining me making me sweat.

Why is he looking at me like that? Did I have something on my face?

The second that thought came to mind, my hand touched my face without my consent. I rubbed my face hoping it would calm my nerves.

Hearing a chuckle, I raised my head to see Hunter.

"Relax kitten. I'm not going to bite you" he said smirking at me.

I blushed lowering my head not wanting him to see my red face.

"Are you comfortable here?" I heard him ask.

NO..... I'm feeling awkward, anxious and edgy in this room. 

"Not here kitten. In this club. Are you comfortable in the club?" he asked again.

Please someone tell me I didn't sat that loud!

"You do" he answered.

I cried internally, "I seriously have to stop it"

"Don't. It's cute" Hunter said smirking and amused at the same time.

I blushed furiously ducking my head again.

"Now to my question, are you okay here?"

"Yeah" I answered patting myself for not stuttering.

"Uh..... I want to go to library" I rushed it before he say anything, " It's only 10 minute walk. And I'm not opening it. I just take a book and return immediately. Daisy told me to ask you" I breathed out like some weight is off my shoulders.

I peeked through my lashes thinking he'd be angry by now but his eyes softened and a small smile appeared on his lips.

Why are you looking at his lips, you pervert?

I quickly diverted my eyes away from them.

"You don't have to ask my permission Melody" he said. 

His voice is soft but also some what rough. It's so pleasant to hear.

I like the way his lips rolled when he says my name.

And I love how he calls my name fully without cutting it short like others.

"As for the matter of you going out, I assigned Gabriel to be your guard. You must take him everywhere you go" Hunter dropped the bomb on me.

What?! A bodyguard!!!

"There's no need of it. Really. I know he'd have so many things to do other than babysitting me" I tried to explain him hoping he would break off the thought of it.

"No can do. The decision is already taken. Even if Gabriel have things to do, his first priority is your safety. Don't argue with me."

OMG!!! He used his president voice no one can deny.

I sighed nodding at him.

His face lost it's demeanor and become soft again.

"And I'm sorry about yesterday. I shouldn't have ordered you" he continued.

I should be the one to say sorry.

"No no no..... It's not your fault. I'm the one to say sorry. You're only looking out for me. I'm sorry I behaved like a brat. I just--" I trailed off not knowing what to say.

"It's okay. You don't need to explain. I can understand. I know how it feels if our life thrown into the middle of nowhere" he stated.

"Thank you" I replied.

He nodded. "Gabriel will escort you to the library."

"Okay. I'll take leave then." I said. He agreed.

I nodded at him again before turning around leaving the room. I put my hand on the knob to unlock it just as another hand placed on mine stopping me. I whirled back only to see Hunter is only a half inch away from me.

I didn't notice before. Hunter is tall. As in very tall. I have to crane my neck to see him as I just came to his shoulders. My breath quickens its pace as he bend his head down to me. His breath mingled with mine for a second and he inclined to a side. Now his hot breath hitting my cheek making my heart thumping so loudly. I swear he can hear its sound. 

At the every breath I take, my chest nearly touching his. My body stiffened when his lips grazed my ear and the tingles shot throughout my body. Butterflies are fighting in my belly. Scratch it. Whole zoo is now in my belly. His masculine scent hits my nose. It's so earthy and fresh and clean. It's reminds me of forest after a heavy rain. Its comforting. I want to lean in towards him and take a deep breath of it. 

Then his voice sounded in my ear so smooth and sweetly like honey.

"Come to me"

I'm confused at his statement. Raising my head to the side, I looked at him. Now, our lips are so close that if I move even slightly they'll definitely touch his.

"What?" I asked breathyly. My voice sounded so funny to me. 

"In case you can't find Gabriel any time, you come to me" he explained in a slow whispering voice as his breath warmly touching my lips. I shiver at this intimacy.

I nodded my head. So fastly, he stepped back and I instantly missed his warmth. I want to reach out for him again. I looked up to see him smirking at my state of breathlessness.

He said, "Good."

I gulped down before rushing quickly out of he room. I closed the door leaning on it and put my hand over my breathing heart. It's still racing and my skin is still tingling. I hug myself to stop it as I shut my eyes tightly.

What's happening to me?! 
© Meghana Singaraju,
книга «Cold Burning Hearts».
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Показати всі коментарі (5)
Rodney Kanher
Chapter 15
OMG I can't tell u how curiously I was waiting for this...
2018-07-24 13:06:30
Chapter 15
This is torturing!!!
2018-07-24 16:52:08
Angela Everly
Chapter 15
What come on I seriously thought he was gonna kiss her, love it ready for the next chapter
2018-07-30 01:03:27