God's Glory
God's glory in your life doesn't always show up in big waves of power. No, sometimes His glory is like a gentle stream of water. Steady. Constant. Grace filled. His hand over your life in subtle ways like doors being opened. Your decisions being directed. You can see His that His favor is evident by the paths that you are led down. And though maybe you didn't see a big move of God all at once you can see little marks of His presence weaved all through of life. You can see His Spirit that has gone ahead of you. Yes, sometimes His glory doesn't come in the way of fire but instead comes as a gentle dove. Sometimes His glory doesn't come in the way of a rushing wind but instead by a still small whisper. Sometimes His glory doesn't come in the way of the highest mountain but instead shines forth from the deepest pit. Sometimes His glory doesn't come in a burning bush but instead by a gentle burning within your own heart. His ways are different than our own. But if you look closely I know you will see evidence of His faithfulness all around you. He is the good Shepherd. He is gentle in heart and sometimes His glory shows up in the most subtle ways, but one thing I know for certain...He is always there. In the power and in the stillness. In the fires and in the slow burning. In the shouts and in the whispers. On the mountains and in the valleys. His glory is all around us.
2023-04-30 20:39:47
Схожі вірші
ثورة تطور -
يا رفاق البرنامج بالأصل باللغه الروسيه لأن من الواضح ان مطوره روسي انا الحين بتوجه للحساب الرئيسي بالبرنامج و اطلب منهم يسوون سفراء و بعض التعديلات و اذا ردوا علي اعطيكم اسم الحساب تروحون تطلبون منهم بعد، ممكن يسمعون لنا لأننا كثار البرنامج لا يدعم التعليقات بين الفقرات التصويت يكون عالروايه كلها اظن ؟ و اتوقع باقي التفاصيل بسيطه بالنسبه للواتباد عطوني كم ساعه اخلص واجبات المنزل اللي علي و برجع منها كثير ايمن كلب ذا مارح يخليني اترك البرنامج و ينتصر هو، زائد ان كثار قالولي كلام خلاني احس بالذنب و منكم اللي قفل حسابه و هالشي حزني جداً اهم شي اني فضحت السفراء و ايمن عشان الكل يعرف حقيقتهم 😂💕
Полум'я життя
Взлетить жарптицею в небо, Серед зірок замерцає... Якщо душа палає, Плумья у серці не згасає. Якщо здається що гасне, Треба жити ще краще. Полум'ям не можна у порох перетворити, Полум'ям цим можно лише душу зігріти. Можна ще краще палати, В очах вогонь віддавати. Полум'я твоє нізащо не погасне якщо є мрія, Любов та віра.