dreaming is not harmful.
I will run, I will rise, I will soar. I am invincible. leaping out of his skin, shout out a chord. yes, I would believe it. the past is who we were, and there is no need to make of us what we would become. so I will dream until I make it all happen. and all I see is the stars. I am flying to them, and soon I will become a part of them. when your dreams come to life, you cannot be stopped. pause, look at the sun, find beauty in the ordinary. we will glow in the dark, turning dust into gold. and we will dream that everything is possible. I will pursue a goal, I will reach it, I will fly. Until I break, until I break. I will break out of my cage like a bird at night. I know that I am changing, into something better than I once was. and even if it takes many years and takes a thousand lives. I will fight for it while I live. when your dreams come to life, you cannot be stopped. pause, look at the sun, find beauty in the ordinary. we will glow in the dark, turning dust into gold. and we will dream that everything is possible. looking at it from top to bottom, we kindle a fire inside. never stop, never give up. the rest of our life is too short. when your dreams come to life, you cannot be stopped. pause, look at the sun, find beauty in the ordinary. we will glow in the dark, turning dust into gold. and we will dream that everything is possible.
2020-08-21 08:41:25
Інші поети
Orchid 99
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