My hero.
Out of place
End of interrogation.
All ends.
Fear of losing it.
Exchange of looks.
You look at the stars that I look at you.
Dad, who are you?
Out of place
I turned and turned around, too many thoughts were whirling in my head. I could not sleep that night.
I felt sad.
My problems ate me inside and the pains of the past were almost devouring me.

"I can also change a thousand other places, but everywhere I go, I would always feel the same way out of place."
This is what I thought, not anything else.
I felt just like that.
Out of place for everything.

Given insomnia, I instinctively thought about getting up and going to the bathroom. But when I reached the door I saw her ... My mother was swallowing pills with tears running down her face.
He took some of them .. So many.
Peeking from the pinch of space between the wall and the door, that was enough for me to be able to see her face reflected in the mirror.
She was a beautiful woman.
It has always been.
Her wavy red hair gave her, along with freckles on her cheekbones and green eyes.
Of the eyes that at that moment, they asked for help.
For all the time I stood staring at her, she did not notice anything. He kept swallowing pills while he cried.
I did nothing. Anything.
I turned and went back to my room .. impassive to all this.
I can not even explain to myself how courage I was able to leave.
With what courage then, I fell asleep.
Because it happened; I managed to close my eyes that night and I can confirm that I did not even feel a pinch worried or guilty ...
I can confirm it;
Still I do not feel anything towards that episode!
The next day, I woke up.
I went to breakfast in the kitchen and instinctively looked for my mother in her bedroom.
There was not.
Then I went to Mychol.
He was asleep and I did not want to wake him up.
I thought she was going shopping or I do not know, to do some business. What it usually does .. Maybe.
I dressed in a pair of tracksuit pants and a blue top, picked up my hair in a badly worn bun and thought of going out onto the terrace to get some air.
I put my slippers on and headed for the door.
I went out, stayed there for a few minutes then, automatically my gaze fell down.
I saw what I never wanted to see.
For exactly two minutes, I do not remember reacting ... With my gaze down and my hands trembling.
Then I screamed.
© Antih Anto,
книга «The madness of a moment».
End of interrogation.