My hero.
Out of place
End of interrogation.
All ends.
Fear of losing it.
Exchange of looks.
You look at the stars that I look at you.
Dad, who are you?
All ends.
"No, why should I feel guilty?" "I'm not the cause." When I saw her, she was one of the many times she tried to calm herself down from her crises.
And after all, everything seemed to be all right. How could I know his intention? How could I know that he wanted to take his own life, if until the morning before he had that bright look of a person intent on starting over? Stronger than before. "
I answered with confidence, aware of my ideas and my innocent being.
The woman in front of me has limited herself to a "mh". I hope I have convinced her.
But, however, there are no fears in me. I know I have a clear conscience.
Without making any facial expression I get up, I take the sweatshirt I had placed, a moment before for the heat, on the chair where I was sitting and
I look at her seriously before leaving, she returns the same look. Then he mentions a smile and I leave the room.
My brother comes to meet me and after coming close enough, he hugs me.
Mychol: Is it all right? "He asks me, looking into my eyes, after I have detached my face from his chest.
Me: Yes, yes, all right. "I say with the addition of a smile.
He smiles back and prints a kiss on my forehead, then leaving his arm around my back, he drives me to the outside of the building.
"Well, let's go Lu" I always loved the acronym with which he called me. Perhaps because I've always hated my full name.
"Vyiolet" written differently from my paternal grandmother "Vhioleth", but pronounced in the same way << Vaiolet >>. I never understood if the hatred of my name was due to the same hatred I kept for my paternal relatives, or simply because I did not like it ..
During the journey, I do nothing but think about the mother. How could this happen?
I can not understand and to be honest, I did not even realize it all. I believe it is not ready yet.
Between the stress of the move and the schok due to the mother's suicide, I think I'm losing my mind.
Arrived at home, I notice the suitcases on the threshold of the door ...
What is going on?
Me: so ... Who did the suitcases and why? "I ask with my eyes turned towards my brother and his right hand indicating the luggage.
Mychol: I Lu, you've been inside talking for a long time. I had time to prepare everything. "
He answers with an almost sad look.
Me: But why? With a little job, I could help with taxes and rent, too. If it's an economic problem. "
He takes my hands in his and invites me to sit in the chairs in the corridor. I follow him and once seated, he looks down between our intertwined hands, sighs and begins to speak: - "you must know that in this matter, as it should be, has a voice in justice.
According to it, you're a minor ... And I ... "another sigh longer than the first-" I'm not autonomous enough to protect you. "
I what? What does this mean? "
Mychol looks at me and sadly responds "It means that I, despite being an adult I do not have a steady job and I can not afford you all
What you need. A family will be found for you and of course I will be the first to make sure they are people. "My gaze falls on my feet, I detach myself from his contact and he with a softer tone than usual says" You are sixteen, others two and you can decide for yourself then what to do "
Me: "I do not need a family, I have it, it's you."
Mychol: "little sister, you can not understand how sad it is for this mess ... I do not want to leave you either ... You are undoubtedly all that I have.
 But I have no choice, we are against everyone. "
 Me: but ... An option would be there, Mychol. Why not go to dad? "his look suddenly becomes furious." Sisi, I know, that man is not even worthy of being called a father. I know it and you know how much I hate it. But it is the only opportunity to be together. Under the same roof. And not with strangers God knows what will happen to me. "
 Mychol: Lu. Your father. Unfortunately, our father. It has already been warned ... And .... It has "disowned" as children apparently ... "... -" I was the one to track him down. He has a new family. New woman. New children. Two. One of seventeen and the other of 15 "
 Hearing these words hurt me. Much. I notice that Mychol keeps talking but I can not follow him anymore. Everything reverberates in my head, I feel that soon it explodes and as if that were not enough, a tear runs down fast on the face.
 In less than no time, I find myself with a face streaked with tears and my brother hugging me.
 I would like to say something .. So many things but I can not.
I just wish he would not leave me anymore. It's my spare shoulder. Now that I can not stand up, he is supporting me.
But all this will end.
I feel that all this will end and soon.
© Antih Anto,
книга «The madness of a moment».