Rachel Tan
Writer and poet ✍️💜 I get inspired in milliseconds, then stop writing for a year.
Вірші Всі
Dancing with curtains Child me Saw black eyes Smelt loneliness Yet hark, royal bells. My eyes halt On pillars Creators Of me, their pride Their name. Might they be forlorn In gold ring rusted Or have they wedded lonesome? Might mother have drowned In plastic promises Or did she submit to ransom? Might father have dabbled In radiant young passion Or was he fearful of mayhem? I do not know But I do know I won't drink Sugar poison I won't wear Rings gold I Shan't Dance with the white curtains. Bring me my black wings. ©Rachel Tan, 3 December 2018. Insta: @singingstories35 https://www.instagram.com/singingstories35/
The Skirt
Dancing among flowers I stoop to touch the mud To taste its divine. Blossoms flirt, smile unseen Choking on thorns each Jostle, bustle, hustle, rustle. Such cataracts my eyes My tired mind. Pity. I bow and pet them blooms Politely faraway Telling lies white Fake smiles all. Finally, at last I settle down on swamp. Proudly hideous Undercover beautiful. I ask of its thinkings It sings my song We create new stories. Much we've discovered Yet there's still more. Much we've seen And so we soar. Much we've tried But the world's all gore. I thank it for its beauty. I leave. I do not wipe my bottom. The mud runs down my trousers, Forming a brown skirt of awareness and wonder. ©Rachel Tan, 20 Nov 2018. Insta: @singingstories35 https://www.instagram.com/singingstories35/
In Charge
Roaring drums screaming cymbals Clutter my head like homework. A maze parades a haze frustrates My game of hide and seek. Retreat into a ball of ice And I am left forlorn. I shut my eyes. I see father, On pointless race of life Like me. Life giggles I only watch. Dad stumbles I only watch. Suddenly, I wake up Legs flying'ward convulsing life Now, I'm in charge! But his scorn blocks my path Desert plains increasing Despite eyes unseeing. Ever further is. I do not reach I miss. Years later My left cackles darkness Right sweet, poisoned beginning. Straddling forbidden boundary Relishing In crystal clarity It is time Choice is mine Now, I'm in charge! My fate lay In my shaking, joyful palms But someone Ripped it from my arms As policemen came running. Dad's ghost Looked stunning. Said: "Now, I am in charge." ©Rachel Tan, 30 Nov 2018. Insta: @singingstories35 https://www.instagram.com/singingstories35/