I love to read/write poetry it is my escape from this painful and yet beautiful world
My Life
Emotions Depression Anxiety Tears Family Scars Pain Misery Friends Wishes Love Betrayal Fears Defeat Trust Hopes Dreams This Is..... MY LIFE!
All I remember is tears Crying after I heard her yell In my eyes you can see my fears I wish that I could escape that hell Years passed by I fell in love That was when I began to lie I began to wish I could fly to above Scars on my arms Scars in my heart I have been hurt by many harms Because he and I have to stay apart He found another girl A girl who said mean things I wish that I could be his pearl Or maybe at least grow wings I want to fly away Away from those who I thought were my friends I don't care wich way As long as my pain ends I wish I had someone to love Somone who will hold me while I cry Someone who won't let me leave to above No matter how hard I try I wear a forever mask So they won't see what I hide And even if anyone bothers to ask I will never tell them what I feel inside I remember a time when I felt real joy A time when I happily carried on A time when I was loved by A boy But now all hope is gone All I do is shed tears Crying when I hear them yell I am surrounded by my fears Will I ever escape this hell
I wish I could fly away Away from all harms I no longer want to stay Stay in the devils arms This devil makes me cry This devil makes me believe hope is gone This devil makes me feel like I shouldn't try Try to still carry on This devil is hurting my mind My hopes are going down the drain This devil I want to find So I can ask why it's putting me through all this pain But when I look around It is clear to see That this devil is not found Because this devil is me But I am stronger then this devil in my head Because I don't care what it has to say And someday this devil inside of me will be dead And I will be okay
Wishing Upon Stars
When I wake up at night I can't help but think of you When you see the moon's light Do you think of me too When I wish upon a star I wish that we could be free I wish that you weren't so far So far away from me I will always love you No matter how far away you are But for now all I can do Is wish upon a star
When you smile I feel free And I know that no matter how hard the trial You are here for me I wish I could fly away Away from all harms And I wouldn't care wich way As long as I could fly into your arms Then I would give you wings too And we would be in love Then I would fly away with you Through the sky above No matter what people say It is harder to feel blue Because I know someday This will all come true
Life's Wing's
It is hard to live life It hurts as if you've been stabbed with a knife It makes you cry It makes you feel like you shouldn't try It makes you believe that hope is gone And yet why do we still carry on Maybe because we all want that first kiss Maybe because we don't want to leave behind the people we would miss Maybe because we all want to be able to drive a car Maybe because we don't want to give up when we've gone so far Maybe because we want to be married Maybe because we want to hold the baby that we've carried Life makes us want to give up on all things And yet life is what gives us our wings
What Will They Say
No matter how hard I'm trying I can't stop crying Crying on the inside It is getting hard to hide Hide my tears Hide my fears Fears of what people will say If there comes a day A day when I don't say I'm fine But I already know they are so happy with there lives that they dont want to hear about mine
Behind My Smile
I make others smile So that they won't see what I hide But every once in awhile I show what I feel inside But then they turn away And I start to cry And no matter what they say They don't help me they don't even try Even when my world is upside down I will pretend to be fine Because they don't want to see my frown And as for my feelings they don't care about mine
Father In Heaven
When your feeling old And your days are cold When you want to be free Just come to me And no matter what you do I will always love you I will wipe away your tears I will calm your fears And when comes the night I will share with you my light When you can't carry on When all your hopes are gone Just look to above And you will feel my love When all you can do is cry It doesn't matter if you don't try I will still set you free By helping you see See that I'm here for you See that no matter what you do No matter what others say You will be okay
In life I have gone far I have grown strong But every once and awhile I get a scar But with that there's nothing wrong My friends have helped me They help me carry on They've helped me see See that hope is not gone My friends are angels from heaven above My life has been blessed by every friend With their influence and love My happiness will never end My friends make me smile I know my friends love me They keep me happy for a long while Because of their love I feel free
Thank you Lord for blessing me With a gift that I use almost every day This gift makes me feel free This gift made me decide to stay I am blessed at writing It has replaced the knife It is my way of fighting Fighting the battle that is life I no longer wish for wings Because I have all that I need I write about all things I have truly been freed
Wings To Fly
All I need is you All I want is your smile And all you have to do Is keep me happy for awhile Just hold me in your arms Wipe away my tears Keep me safe from harms And calm my fears Then tell me that you'll do all things Do all things for me Tell me that you'll give me wings So that I can finally be free You are like a glittering star Shining in the night You are so close and yet so far But I can still feel your light All I want Is your love Love for no one but me I want us to fly off through the sky above I want us to be free Someday we'll get our wings And I'll no longer cry We will be able to do all things Once we get our wings to fly
I have so many memories in my head Some of them help me carry on But some make me cry when I go to bed And most of them I want to be gone In life I have gone far But not without having scars in my heart Most of my memories carry a scar I guess that's what sets me apart If people could see into my mind What they would see is pain But maybe then they would try to be kind But I know my world would still rain My world is gloomy and gray But sometimes I see light And no matter what people say I will not give up the fight
Not many know what I feel inside Not many know how often I cry Not many can see what I hide And many never will no matter how hard they try I wish I could run away Away from all harms I guess I do have people who say I can always run into their arms They want to make me smile They want to take away my pain They keep me happy for awhile But my world still does rain I know they are being kind I know they are being sweet But I'd rather keep my emotions in my mind I am not yet ready to admit defeat So for now I will fight And I will pretend to be fine But someday I will feel the light And as for my emotions I’ll give up mine
It took a long while But after many tries I can now smile Without any lies I never cry My smile is real I no longer try To hide what I feel I will let it show That I don't care what others say I want everyone to know That I am okay
You are always in my head You are there when I close my eyes You are in my dreams when I go to bed You light up the night skies It hurts that we have to stay apart I wish I could be with you You left a hole in my heart I don't know what to do You gave me more memories than I could ever ask for But now your just a memory I can't forget As for the memories I wish we could make more I wish we could go back to the day we met For you all I feel is love For you all I will do all things You are an angel from above I am sorry I took your wings I took your wings so you would stay with me I took your wings so you would hold my hand I took your wings so you wouldn't fly free I took your wings so you would help me stand So I heard you love another girl I couldn't  help but cry I remember when I was your pearl So now I say goodbye
My Friend
I love you my friend Even though you don't love me You are the only reason my hopes don't end Thank you for setting me free You are like a glittering star Shining in the night You are so close and yet so far Their is no hope in sight Hope that you will love me Hope that we will be together I just hope you can see That I love you no matter the weather I want you to know How I feel about you And even if it already does show I will give you a clue When I look into your deep blue eyes I feel like I'm going to drown Can you see past my lies Do you know why I frown Your smile calms the storm inside Your smile makes me want to carry on I know you would care if I died Maybe not all hope is gone