I'm not your mom
wanna hear something?
Squirrel Squirrel
Can I know about you?
Shots of Wheatgrass
Friendship on the Rocks (and not the good kind)
are you ok?
wanna hear something?

                         2 : 1 0 A M

                    Unknown Number
                            Text Message....

Unknown: Hey, I hope you're doing better now. Sorry if I bothered you last night.

Melissa: Who is this?

Unknown: Oh, it's the drunken boy who called you last night by mistake. Don't worry, I won't call you again. But I wanted to apologize for my behavior.

Melissa: Yeah, no worries. I guess it was kind of funny, in a weird way.

Unknown: I'm glad you're taking it that way. Look, I know you're probably busy and all, but do you mind if I tell you about Susie and me?

Melissa: (sighs) Okay, sure. Go ahead.

Unknown: So, Susie and I have been dating for a few months now, and everything was going great. But then she got pregnant, and things got complicated. I didn't think I was ready to be a dad, so I tried to break things off with her.

Melissa: (rolls eyes) Oh great, another deadbeat dad story. Just what I needed to hear.

Unknown: (defensive) Hey, I'm not a deadbeat dad! I just didn't know how to handle the situation.

Melissa: (sarcastic) Right, because abandoning your pregnant girlfriend is always the best option.

Unknown: (apologetic) Look, I know I messed up. But I'm trying to make things right. I've been sober for two days now, and I'm planning on talking to Susie later today. I just hope she'll forgive me.

Melissa: (softening) Well, I hope it works out for you. Being a parent is hard, but it's also one of the most rewarding things you can do.

Unknown: (grateful) Thanks, Melissa. You're actually pretty cool, you know that?

Melissa: (smiling) Yeah, I know. (pauses) Hey, if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here for you. Just try not to drunk dial me again, okay?

Unknown: (laughs) I won't, I promise. Thanks, Melissa. You're the best.

Melissa: (rolling her eyes) Yeah, yeah. Just take care of yourself, okay?

Unknown: (grinning) You too. Bye!

Melissa: (smiling) Bye.
© Sarah Stewart,
книга «Accidentally Dialed».