Everybody loves Sam
Everybody loves Sam
Most mothers adore him and will seek him out with their kids to see the local performing crazy guy. Even my own mother will look after him from time to time. On several occasions I’ve caught her getting up before daylight to bring Sam Sam leftovers as if she did not want anyone to see her small act of kindness. I watched from a distance as she hurried across the street in her housecoat and head scarf to Samuari Sam’s sleeping spot. Most of the time he his sleeping when she comes by to feed him. But  when he is awake and sees her coming, he takes off his giant Samuari hat stands and smiles at her until she drops off the food and goes back home.  

I’ve only witnessed one or two occasions when she went out of her way to feed Sam but I’m not surprised at all because mom has always had a kind heart. But I tell her all the time her kindness is going to make a fool out of her one day but she doesn’t listen of course. I’ve watched her give clothes the homeless, money to young mothers, and beer to the bums. Begging for beer never made any sense to me but mom would always say that the beer is insignificant to us but it is seen as a necessity to others. I just shake my head and follow along with her. I alway try to go with her when she feels charitable. Her kindness is embedded in her personality so much so that if she went out alone giving away stuff, the streets would devour her. When she walks out the house they see the hood Mother Teresa. But when they see me with her it’s Mother Teresa and her goon. My mother has always been petite all her life and I can even remember guys trying to ask her out all the time when I was younger. They would usually say something corny to her and to win points they would try to befriend me. But I would just look at them with my ‘I’m gonna bite you’ face and they knew what was up. My mom would kindly decline their propositions and I was still ready to bite if needed. As I got older I perfected my mean mug along with a mean left and right jab. 

But everyone knows not to come too close with that foolishness when they meet with her. They won’t mess with us because I’m not having no parts in any shenanigans when it comes to my mom. The regulars in the neighborhood already know how I get down and the newbies on the block think and then rethink before coming my way. I demand respect and nothing else when it comes to my mother. Anyone who has a problem with that can get dealt with immediately. Including old crazy Samurai Sam. Fortunately I ain’t never had any problems out of anyone and hopefully it stays that way. I am turning 18years old in a couple of days and I don’t need that “paper” in my life right now. 

I gotta calm down. 

© Kendrick,
книга «Samuari Sam».