For Sale
The Renovation
The Attic
New Home
The Door In the Wall
What's Inside
Something Is Not Right
The furniture
The furniture
The school days went dull, as they never had expected. They figured it out that Veronica was basically a popular girl in school who was trying to figure out their status so she could either except them in there group or not. When she figured that they were not rich she ditched them but Katherine proved out to be a really good friend to both of them although she was in the same grade as Grace.
She showed them all the students who were categorized according to a characteristic, although Grace knew about all the stuff but it seemed as if she was quite anaware about it and it was kind of hard to swallow everything down. She had second thoughts in her mind, what if I am grouped under that particular group or that or that. She was analysing far too much.
Well, Stacey was stressed out about her studies like she never had been before. She would cram up all night to study all the things even the teacher hadnt still tought. She was developing a competitive mindset. She would barely interact with anyone, she would remain reticent at supper even when everyone was trying to get her cheered up.
While on the other hand Jayden and Lucas were starting school the coming Monday. They both were in the same class although Jayden was an year older due to his damaged his brain while falling from the long staircases of his previous school when he was in grade 3. He also injured his arm and his leg got fractured .He had to stay with his brother in the same grade.They were keen to start their school, they kind of had a small group of nerds who were considered to be the most uncool students of the whole dimension. But to elevate their spirits up they remained positive and they knew that they were merely making a hallucination.
Alicia had started college and got full scholarship at Oxford. She was leaving after a week and was busy packing up her stuff. Everyone was busy either studying, analysing or getting ready for their new classes. Mrs. Jay was the only one who remained at home she was alone mostly because Alicia would go for shopping most of the time.
"Hey dont you wanna sleep" asked Grace while turning off her bedside lamp. "Yeah, Okay after a moment" Stacey answered not taking her eyes off her Science notebook and scribbling words to make notes.
After a moment or two Grace exclaimed angrily " You know the noise of the pen is constantly irritating me. Please stop it I cant go to sleep".
"You are not studying doesnt mean I dont have to study as well"
"Whatever you think" Grace added and fell back to sleep.
Stacey yawned and checked her watch to see the timing it was 1 o'clock. She quickly wore her Pajamas and slept within a few moments because constantly studying made her really very tired.
It was Sunday and everyone woke up cheerfully because after a stressing out week a lazy Sunday would definately cure the stress.
"Mom please come here" Stacey shouted from the stairs.
"Honey bunch, what's the matter" cried Mrs. Jay in a loud voice from the kitchen.
"Please mom. I'll tell you when you'll come here"
"Alright. Wait a second...."
Mrs. Jay left her apron on the kitchen counter and strood off upstairs.
Stacey beckoned Mrs. Jay inside the room.
"Mom look at the wallpaper"

© Faith Grace,
книга «The Machine».