For Sale
The Renovation
The Attic
New Home
The Door In the Wall
What's Inside
Something Is Not Right
The furniture
The Door In the Wall
"Hey Grace check it out" exclaimed Stacey while she stared at something underneath the torn wallpaper," You know I am busy, so dont disturb me" shouted Grace in a fiercefull tone,  she was completing her assignment and only two days were left to submit it. Even if she told her Biology teacher Mrs. Rodrick that they were moving she knew she wasnt going to accept any lateness. Cause she always says" No more no less you all and your assigned tasks should be on time" she remembered Mrs. Rodricks advices in class when Stacey interupted
"Grace. I think I said something" Stacey boomed.
" Well please. You know I am really, really busy, at least for this moment please let me complete my work"
" Pretty please, and I promise that I wont tease you. Just take a look over here" Stacey assured her. She knew that a little compelsion would convince her and who knew her sister better then her, she shared her room with her sister from almost when she was a preschooler.
"Oh okay but promise that you wont tease me after I do this for you" Grace agreed as she stood up and went to look at the wallpaper. She sighed loudly not to show her anger.
" Did you see?" Stacey said while jumping up and down on her ping pong. Looking at the expression on her sisters face she was sure she didnt see.  "I can see that the wallpaper is torn and what's the big deal?" Grace answered while she turned her back towards the wallpaper in order to face her sister, who came down of the ping pong.
"Oh Grace look a bit more closely" Stacey sighed and proceded realising it was no use to ask her sister to do anything.  " Obivously I did not call you to see just the tear?" Stacey said as she walked towards the wallpaper, she came close to the wallpaper and tore it a bit more so that her sister could have a better view of whatever was underneath the wallpaper.
"See" said Stacey as she looked at her sister.
"Wow" Grace exclaimed and as now she could see clearly and according to her guess it was definately a door.
"Well definately this time you didnt call me to see something stupid" Grace added as she grinned at her sister.
"Really?" Stacey said frowning her face.
"Oh comeon. You know how much fun I have in teasing you"
" Really?"Stacey said in a bit rude tone and turned her head to her so that she could show that she really was cross with her sister.
Oh! Now I'll just have to apologize. She is such a baby, Grace thought.
"Well look Stace, if we dont fix this up mum is going to be very angery and besides what excuse are we going to make. So if you cooperate then we will be able to think of something."
"It's non of my concern"
"What? You know it better that you were the one who tore the wallpaper I should be the one to say that"
Stacey sighed and turned to face her sister" Oh okay. Now what are we going to do?"
Thank God.
"We'll think of something but first we have to try to open the door"
Stacey and Grace pulled the handle of the door in order to open up the door. But no matter how much force they applied the door wouldnt even move an inch.
"It's useless. No matter how much we try the door wont open" Stacey said disappointed, she was very much curious to know what was in it.
"Yeah you're right. But it alright we'll try it later on"
"You go Stacey and help mum in preparing supper. I'll quickly complete my assignment and will be there" Grace said very pleadingly and sat on her messy desk. On which many things were cluttered like her hair ties box, snow globes, even her shoe laces but she didnt had time to just clean the mess up.
"Uh alright but you'll wash up the dishes" Stacey added her hands akimbo like as if she was ordering her.
"Yeah" Grace answered in a slow voice. She was really steeped up in her task that she didnt felt the urge to argue with her sister although today was her sister's turn to do the dishes.
After approximately half an hour late Grace packed her school stuff and carelessly tucked her stuff in the bag  and sighed letting out the tiredness after completing her task. She remained seated on her chair and laid down her head and turned her head to the left side wanting to get a view of the sunset through a huge window which opened up as a small balcony. The orange colour filled up the room indicating setting of the sun. At Grace's back was a door not that small but smaller then the other room entrance doors but big enough for a person to fit in. It was basically a closet, she never had a room for a closet but she really felt happy because she would be now able to put to put her hand bags and accessories in the closet, in her old closet in her previous room her clothes barely fitted in, although she didnt own that much clothes but sharing a closet was a big compromise. She shared her room with Stacey but she also had to share her closet because their was only one. Literally she admired her room wholeheartedly and the most she liked about her room was the magnificent bathroom it was very huge. A really big bath tub, a seperate shower, a giantic sink with a mirror of same length, small cupboard above the toilet in which she thought to keep her unused cosmetics like the ones her relatives bought for Christmas.
With these thoughts she didnt notice that she slowly drifted to sleep.

Author's Note:
This is the fifth part of The Machine. Thanks loads for reading.If you like this part please do comment😊. Any suggestions dont hesitate write it in the comment section or just leave a message.

© Faith Grace,
книга «The Machine».