                 Scarlett woke up first. She saw Skylar and wet traces under her eyes. She did not attach any importance to this and just put on seifuku, thigh-high stockings. Having put on sneakers, she went to her sister and woke her up.
                 Skylar: Good morning. I'll go make breakfast.
                 Scarlett: Okay...
                 "Is she really so angry at me that she is already negligent towards me?" ;-thought Skylar.
                 Skylar sighed and went to breakfast. Having emptied the plate and mug, she went into the room to get her backpack ready. On the way to school, the sisters were silent and walked like strangers. Entering the school grounds, Skylar made up her mind and said to Scarlett:
                  -Scarlett, can we move away? I want to tell you something...
                  Scarlett nodded and they entered the back of the school. Scarlett turned to Skylar, who was a little bit stressed out.
                  -Scarlett, I'm sorry for breaking your life. I didn't mean to hurt you. I feel guilty towards you and therefore...
                  Skylar walked over to Scarlett, who had already driven her back against the wall due to the lack of space. Skylar leaned her hand against the wall and leaned into Scarlett's face, trapping her lips in hers. It was a kiss without a tongue and Skylar felt relieved. After a few tens of seconds, Skylar opened her eyes and out of the corner of her eye saw that someone's silhouette was standing at a distance of about two or three tens of yards. Her bewilderment was interrupted by Scarlett, who pushed Skylar away, and she fell to the ground.
                 Scarlett: What are you doing? We shouldn't be seen like that! What will others who see us say?
                 Skylar froze.
                "Instead of relieving the pain, I only increased it. Perhaps Scarlett is not pleased with the way I show my love for her? Or is she showing me her hatred and pity? Huh? What? Is she telling me something?..."
                 -... Are you listening to me at all? ;- Scarlett spoke loudly.
                 -Listen, it is better for us not to show love closeness yet. Don't kiss me and the like. We need to take a break. It's time for lessons. Let's go.
                 Scarlett disappeared around the corner and walked to the school entrance while Skylar was sorting and filtering all her thoughts.
                  "Leave her alone! You're hurting her...".
                  "She told you directly that you should not show love and that those around you will morally kill you. Just leave her, she is better off without you."
                   Skylar remembered a silhouette and went to that place.  Suddenly, someone drove her into the wall, blocking the exit.
                   -Wow! Is the daughter of a friend of the headmaster of our school kissing her sister? How unexpected!
                  There was a camera around his neck and he took it off to show some shots on it...
                  -Ohhh... If someone finds out about this, or at least some rumor goes, then your reputation with your sister will break through!
                  -Please don't do this...
                  -Oh, no, no, no! I'll use this as a lever of pressure on you. Your sister is very kind and therefore she could have convinced me, but you are not like her. You are easy to control, manipulate. Therefore, you will become my girlfriend. The argument is that if I press one button (he showed her which one with a gesture), then it will be sent to one interesting group that will destroy your status and the status of your entire family. So that? You agree?
                  "Fuck, he's a rare bastard, but my father is on the other side of the scale, and if his status falls, it will be the end. If I tell Scarlett, the outcome will be the same. I have no choice, I have to become his slave..."
                   -You broke me...
                   -Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't want to hurt you...;-with a crooked smile, he said, wiping his hand over Skylar's cheek, which crumpled in disgust.
                   -So, come with me.
                   -Where to?
                   -The less you know the better you sleep!
                   They went into a basement.
                   -W-What is your name?
                   -It does not matter. Although... Okay, my name is Ryan.
                   He was wearing trousers and a jacket, under which was a white shirt. He was also wearing a tie. His hair was brown.
                   They entered some kind of basement, which looked like a workshop. There were tables, shelves, wooden beams and other materials. Ryan walked over to the table and placed Skylar on it.
                   Ryan: Unbutton my shirt.
                   Skylar crumpled at the thought.
                   Skylar: This is not love!
                   Ryan: Yeah, that's not her. I just want to get some affection from you. I can't get it from you in a simple way, so I had to resort to another method, blackmail.
                   Skylar remembered what was at stake and forced herself to remove Ryan's tie. Then buttons, the first from the top, the second, the third... His belly was tucked up, but without a press. Skylar removed her hands from Ryan and Ryan leaned over to her and spoke into her left ear:
                   -I will not take your virginity. When they disclose me, they will not be able to find signs of rape, so I will not be a rapist in the eyes of others. Just a little affection...
                  He kissed her neck, which made Skylar groan. It pleased her, but only with her eyes closed, not seeing his face. Then he touched her bare belly, which made Skylar unpleasant and pleasant at the same time. Disgusting. Then his hand touched her thigh, which made her groan more.
                  -I keep my promises, so the way there is closed to me. ;-Ryan said.
                  A few more minutes of petting and Ryan pulled away.
                  -Thanks, I got what I wanted.
                  -You are breaking me from the inside...
                  -Sorry, I'm selfish... By the way, good luck in the classroom, you missed one lesson, like me, so we are quits. ;-smiling, he left the basement, as if nothing had happened.
                  Skylar let out a tear. Everything he did to her was disgusting. However, imagining if Scarlett did this to her, it would be nice for her. She was broken inside, but she could not say anything... Or could she?...
                 She came out of this disgusting place, which made her remember painful scenes. She walked into class with her head bowed and looking down. She made her way to her class and approached Scarlett, who befriended some of her classmates.
                  Skylar: Scarlett, can we back off for a minute?
                  Scarlett: Sorry, I can't. I'm busy. ;-avoided she.
                 Skylar tried to say something, but something inside her broke. Some kind of gear... She felt not depressed, but broken. As if almost all of her bones were broken and she cannot escape from a hungry beast. She went outside. Inhaling deeply, she coughed and tears welled up in her eyes.
                 "Are they from pain, or hopelessness?" ;-she thought.
                 "Apparently, I was left alone and I shouldn't have gotten closer to Scarlett. Her clear blue eyes... I want to drown in them, like in the ocean..."
                 Suddenly something, or rather someone interrupted her thoughts and she really could not react. Only when the veil flew from her eyes did she see the road along which Ryan was pulling her into the basement. This increased her heart rate with blood circulation. Smelling the smell of plywood and the basement itself, she closed her eyes, afraid to open them. She just wanted to disappear so as not to hurt anyone.
                 -Why are you crying? ;-Ryan said in bewilderment, but since Skylar's eyes were closed, she recognized him only by his voice.
                  Skylar was silent only sobbing occasionally. She didn't care, let him touch her, let him rape her, let him eventually kill her. She just wanted to stop everything or disappear.
                 Suddenly, someone entered the basement and saw a crying Skylar and a dominant Ryan standing over her. There was a click, followed by a flash. Removing the tears from her eyes, Skylar made out the stranger, who turned out to be the director. He looked dazedly at all this and shouted:
                  -Let her go!
                 Ryan, realizing the whole situation, stepped aside, and when the director cleared the exit, he ran outward like lightning and disappeared over the horizon.
                  Skylar lay on the table, still sobbing. The director walked over to her and took her hand to help her up. Skylar sat up, wiping tears  with her cuff on her cheek.
                  -Do not be afraid, he will receive a punishment, didn't he forcibly brought you here?
                  -He blackmailed me, there must be evidence on his camera...
                  The Director and Skylar went to his office. There were two large men who looked like bodyguards and Ryan himself. There was a camera on the director's desk.
                  Director: Dozens of photographs were found on the camera where he rapes you. He will receive punishment for his actions.
                   Ryan walked over to Skylar and bent down to her ear, saying:
                    -I just wanted some caress. I deleted the pictures of you and Scarlett, so don't worry...
                    Then he abruptly pulled back and stood between the two guards.
                    -Get him out of here! ;-the director told two men and they, taking him by the hands, led him out of the office.
                  Skylar left the office and went to class.
                  "Justice has triumphed. Everything is behind, but there are still burning scratches on my soul. Scarlett made it clear that she does not even intend to speak, so I think I should leave her alone. My feelings will have to be locked up, but I don't want to lose Scarlett... ;-thought Skylar.
                  She entered the classroom and sat down at her desk.
                 "Scarlett isn't in class, maybe she's avoiding me?" ;-Skylar continued to ponder.
                It became unbearable for her to sit in the classroom, so she went to the school yard. She walked between trees, bushes, and other living creatures. Just the thought that Scarlett didn’t want to see her, or even despised her, made her feelings boil like a volcano. She saw that there were many of her peers next to her, and therefore, she went into a small house to retire. Tools and various boxes were kept there. She sat on the floor, leaning her back against the wall, and looked down, letting out the first rapid tear. Every thought was like a tear flowing down. One after another, one after another... She sobbed softly, but her self-flagellation was interrupted by the creak of the open door. Skylar instantly removed all the tears from her face and looked up. Scarlett stood at the door, looking down at her tear-stained sister. She closed the door latch with a light movement. Scarlett walked up to Skylar, within arm's reach. Skylar stood up, trying to look her sister in the eye.
                   -Excuse me for not being able to hide my feelings. I love you, Scarlett, but I didn’t know that we shouldn’t show love in public...
                   -I'm sorry what you had to go through, what you felt. I will always love you, because you are my sister.
                   Scarlett was glad, but she still wanted something else. This something was buried inside the feelings...
                    -M-May I kiss you? ;-lowing her head asked Skylar.
                    Silence froze for a moment.
                    -If it heals you, then I cannot refuse you. I want you to recover, so I'm all yours...
                   Skylar's eyes lit up. She took Scarlett by the shoulder and pressed her with a slight movement against the wall. She bent down to her sister's face and took hold of her chin to look into her eyes, and eaten into her lips. It was as if the heart had plunged into a boiling pot of water. Without even thinking, she entered Scarlett's mouth with her tongue, which made her moan. Disconnecting with her tongues, Skylar pulled back, gasping for air. Then she took Scarlett and again pressed her back slowly and gently against the wall. She once again kissed Scarlett passionately and then ran her hand over her half-sister's thighs. Scarlett twitched in fright, groaning loudly.
                 Scarlett: What are you doing???
                 Skylar: I give you affection, isn't it nice to you?
                  Scarlett looked down and sat on the tiled floor with her legs straight. Skylar caught her breath and said:
                  -This is the last thing I want to do for today.
                    She went up to Scarlett and sat on top so that Scarlett's legs were between hers and, looking her sister in the eyes, she closed her in a last kiss with the tongue.
                   After all, she pulled away, and then hugged Scarlett, resting her head on her shoulder with closed blissful eyes.
                   Skylar: Thank you. I love you Scarlett...
книга «DISTVRTED LOVE | PT. 1».