                 Skylar woke up, washed, dressed, had breakfast. Scarlett did the same. They went to school. There were black jeeps near the gate and this alerted Skylar and it was not in vain. At the school, the FBI did a full search, interrogation and tried to find the killer, which was Skylar. She entered the classroom and there she met the director of the FBI.
                  FBI Director: Someone in this class is a serial killer. One killer was caught last week, or rather, he was killed by someone unknown. There is a hypothesis that whoever killed Jack Wilson is at school right now. Continue the interrogation...
                  Skylar abruptly took Scarlett's hand and headed to the second floor. Scarlett was surprised at her older sister's reaction. So they went into the women's toilet.
                  Scarlett: What are you doing, Skylar?
                  Skylar: Tell me, Scarlett, the FBI is looking for a killer right now and this killer is me. What would you do, tell them the truth, or stay with me, perhaps even the rest of your life?
                  Scarlett: If I tell them that you are a murderer, then I will lose you and be alone. Therefore, I will stay with you.
                  Scarlett hugged Skylar as confirmation of her words.
                  Skylar: At best, I will simply be expelled from the educational council, at worst, I will be sent to a juvenile colony and we will never see each other again. This may be the last time we're together, so can I kiss you one last time?
                  Her gaze fell to the floor. So many emotions from jitters to fear of rejection.
                   Scarlett: If this is the last time we're together, I want us to say goodbye on a pleasant note. So that the last thing we remember was a kiss, or a pleasant caress...
                   Skylar wrapped her arms around Scarlett's neck and kissed her. Then the hands went to the back and Skylar hugged her younger sister tightly to her. Tears came to her eyes from the realization that this was the last time they were truly happy with each other.
                   Through lack of air, they broke away from the kiss and left the women's toilet. On the corridor, Skylar saw the FBI director talking into the radio. She abruptly walked around the corner and waited for him to walk past.
                   Skylar: We're being hunted. We need to run outside.
                   They ran out into the backyard where Abigail was sitting on a bench. She was alone and Skylar wanted to say a couple of parting words to her. She walked over to her and sat down next to her.
                   Abigail: The school is looking for a killer right now, so I won't blackmail you just yet. For now, you can kiss in secluded corners where no one will see you. ;-she said haughtily from above from her ego
                   Skylar: I wanted to say goodbye forever. I'm a real killer. It was I who killed those people who were found near an abandoned building near the school. You don't have to believe my words, but I just had to say goodbye. Abigail, I love Scarlett, so I'm willing to give up my seat as president of the academic council. Report this to the brothers and sisters and the vice president.
                   Skylar got up from the bench and finally said goodbye:
                   -Goodbye, Abigail. We won't see each other again.
                    She ran to the exit and took Scarlett's hand. They ran home. Skylar burst into her father's office, but he was not there. But on the table she saw a note:
                   "Daughters, I'm sorry I didn't tell you this personally. I'm lying low. I advise you to do the same. Collect the essentials and get out of the house as quickly as possible. The FBI may already be watching you. We'll meet soon. Skylar and Scarlett. I love you..."
                 Skylar: Scarlett, we'll run away. We will be able to live again as in the first days of our acquaintance. Everything will be fine...
                 Scarlett: I'm glad...
                 Skylar entered the bedroom. The phone was in her pocket, but the SIM card had to be thrown away. She put the money in another pocket. Suddenly outside there was the sound of sirens and flashing blue-red lamps.
                  "The FBI is already here." ;-understood Skylar.
                  Someone started to knock out the doors. It was a sign that it was time to run. Skylar and her younger sister ran to the third floor, which was the attic. It was spacious and had a window.
                  Skylar: We'll have to jump, but it's too high here. We can twist something, or even worse, crash...
                  Scarlett took Skylar's hand by the palm and said:
                  -I'm ready to jump with you. ;-she looked Skylar in the eyes.
                  'Her sincerity... Is she really ready to die with me??'
                  Skylar stood with her back to the window and Scarlett pushed herself at her, throwing her back. The window shattered, and they were weightless. Skylar's eyes began to water. She hugged Scarlett in flight and whispered in her ear:
                  -I love you, Scarlett...
                 After these words, she closed her eyes, accepting the inevitable fate...
                  'So much time has passed since the beginning of our meeting. We became sisters. Is this how it will end? In any case, I don't regret anything... Scarlett showed me sincere love that no one, including my parents, could give me... I love you, Scarlett. I was ready to die for you, if only you would continue to live and be happy. You're an angel. To be honest, it all sounds like distorted love...'
                   -Nobody's here! Clean everything around! We must find Skylar! She is a murderer who must be punished!
                   Skylar and Scarlett lay on the ground bleeding. Skylar pressed her younger sister's head to her and bending over to her ear said:
                   -I love you, Scarlett...

                                          TO BE CONTINUED...
книга «DISTVRTED LOVE | PT. 1».