Fox On Parchment
Lilah Mey
Fox On Parchment
Lilah Mey
Fox On Parchment
Fox On Parchment

Teja holds on to my sleeve like it's the last time that she ever will.
"hurry it! i don't.. to.. miss it!" Teja insists.
you won't miss it, i assure her.
"speak english!" Teja waves her finger in the air like i am a naughty student and she is my teacher.
Finally the pebbles shake and i have to drag Teja away from near the tracks.
"You will get run over," i tell her, but Teja will never listen.
i watch Teja, always giddy with anticipation like she is. the hum of the tracks grows until we hear the whistle and Teja sits down in the tall grass.
Mites, i say.
Train, she responds.
I make sure the train is long gone, even all the way through the tunnel, before i take Teja's hand and walk with her all the way home.
© peachoo ,
книга «How To Breathe In Space».