Chapter one : I had enough ...
Chapter one : I had enough ...
They say I am ugly ...
They say I am a failure ...
They say I will never succeed ...
They say that I am not enough ...

         but I am really satisfied ~~

  I'm sure people will always say those words over and over and over again and they'll never get enough .
  I got a phone call from my friend at night and it was too late. I was scared and confused when I heard her voice while she was sad ٫ " i had enough " she said , I told her to calm down and explain to me what was going on with her then she started crying and she says " people ... people " And when she said that, I understood that people had hurt her again .

  • Why is your face full of acne?
  • Why are you wearing these old clothes?
why !? why ?! .....
Yes, people hurt her. They gave her fear, oppression, and sorrow inside her without knowing what would happen to her ٫ They think that what they would do will not  caused anything for her ... just words ... just opinions ... just meanings ٫ A word can only break a person’s heart in seconds, and it may also bring joy into the heart of that person in seconds too , but people need to improve in choosing those words, no matter how simple they are, they must be chosen carefully.
  To express your opinion on something does not mean that you can not respect the others and call them inappropriate words, so no one has the right to hurt the others in any words.
If you want to hurt someone with your words and think you have done well, you have never been and never will be perfect

I was sad for my friend and I told her that she didn't have to care about what people say and she mustn't give up for anything she want whatever they say it's just words so don't worry my sweet friend ...
I'll be always with you and I'll support you until death

© Tasnime Bouchareb,
книга «Internal conflict».