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Prologue ( Why me ? )
One: I don't even know
I'm so very sorry
Prologue ( Why me ? )

Why me ?

I asked myself sometimes this lone girl with her treatments that seemed to span my whole life.

Pretty tired of the endless appointments, the doctors, specialists. My breathing been bad since the day I was born.

Born premature, weighting four pounds and eight ounces. I had a fight for my body. That's what I called it because it wasn't just my hands that needs pull through.

And what my parents didn't know was they were going to have a fight of their own with these medical bills. The hospital visits, hospital stays, meds and the equipment that I needed to have. Paying or trying to get an hold on it, not going completely bankrupt.

From our bleakest time, at the age of twelve. We'd signed up to this special program that would help my parents  pay for my hospital bills. The program of select millionaires and billionaires would grace us poor people with the gift of helping an sick child in many different ways. Financial and emotional, yes they made a summer camp of sorts. But I wouldn't it call that. It was a much nicer hospital with activities for kids with our needs could do. And the place had everything video games and pools, my favorite an writing class.

I can admit I was pretty negative about the thought of going to a place like that back then. But it helped me, my parents. The program brought us back to life, my parents considered divorcing but the sudden change in our financial situation. Everyone grew happier, I started to get better because I was finally put on the right meds.

I went from a round of twelve appointments a month to once a month, regularly check in with phone calls, messages from the hospital app that they use now to inform, check up on their patients. Now everything is better, I can even walk down the street, before I couldn't even muster that kind of strength in the past.

My walks were a peaceful time for me to clear my mind. I would walk home from my doctor's appointments because it was not too far from it. I've doing it for the past six months now.

But today on this unlucky day. My world would take an drastic turn....

When I finally stop asking that question. It formed in my mind as these two guys dressed in black grabbed me, proceeded to put me in the backseat of this black car.

Thanks for reading, more to come

© sje_107,
книга «Why me ?».
One: I don't even know
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Prologue ( Why me ? )
I want to know more 😢
2019-04-29 19:56:08
Prologue ( Why me ? )
2019-05-09 16:26:47
Koffi ERIC
Prologue ( Why me ? )
2019-11-15 08:28:37