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2020-06-03 17:18:44
Big update for book loner wolf a werewolf story.
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. The Netherlands is what they call a smart lockdown. The country isnt closed down. But everyone is at home as much as possible. my school is now completely online and no deadline is changed. So it's stressful. All my test are online but twice as difficult as normal to prevent cheating. And I have multiple group projects I'm working on. And normally I have in the beginning of may 2 weeks of vacation. But it turned into 1 week. But also a week full of working on school work. Cause at the start of covid-19 here I was sick. Really really sick for a week and one week of half sick. And here only now they starting to test everyone. So I stayed indoors for a month. And I don't know yet about how my summer break will be. And school is totally messed up atm. Barely any information, so it's truly hard work.
@Roos and all my graded count the same as normal. And the teacher barely give any support or feedback. So it's everyone is on there own.
thank you. And I will