Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter two
🌹Vivian's pov 🌹

I started to flicker my eyes open but, I couldn't fully open my eyes do to the brightness shining on me.
"Sorry. I turn off the lights" A male voice said softly. He did as he said he was. The room wasn't too dark little strikes of light peeked through the curtains.
"thank you...where am I?" I asked once I noticed I wasn't at school nor at home
"umm...right you are at my house" he sayed  while rubbing the back of his neck
"What happen? why am I here?" I asked kinda getting freaking out
"I don't know, you were crying at school and you looked really pale. then you passed out"
"why didn't you take me to the nurse then?"
"I did but she wasn't there and I didn't want to leave you"
"thank you? I think... but why?"
"why what?"
"why do you care what happens too me? You don't know me and I don't know you" I commented. When I finish talking. He looked at me and smiled
"you don't remember me. do you." he asked but sounded more like a statement. I gave a confused look.
"No...should I?"
"My name is Jason, princess" when he said his name and that nickname a flashback hit me like lightning cuting through the skies.

(Flash Back)
"leave me alone" I cried
"aww look she going to cry" They laughed. they pushed me on the sand
"hey leave her alone!" The little brave boy said
"or what?!" the bully said.
"Or this!" the little brave boy picked up his hands and put them into a fist and throws a  punch at the bully but, the bully was faster  after we ended up at the nurses office me with scraped knees and him with a black, swollen eye.
"thank you" I said in my soft voice
"No problem as long as your with me you'll always be safe, princess. My name is Jason." Jason said
"My name is Vivian. I can tell we are going to be best friends forever!" My little self said with a smile
(Flashback over)
"Are you hungry?" Jason asked
"follow me" he said. I got out of his bed and followed him. everthing in this house looked expensive. I felt uncomfortable. out of place.
"here, I'll get you something to eat. You could sit down on one of the island stools."
   Once he places a plate in front of me. I looked at the food in front of me it was a grilled cheese with some fruit on the side.
"I'm sorry that all I could really do. The chef   is on vacation" Jason apologized
"No it's okay! wait you have a chef!?" I practedly screamed while smiling. Jason just chuckled. which made me blush.
"yeah" he then answered
"I'm home, asshole!" A unknown male voice called out.
"In the kitchen!" Jason yelled back and mouthed 'sorry' to me
The unknown voice's footsteps came closer.  He finally reached the kitchen and we were both surprised.
"Its you! What the he'll are you doing here?!" he screamed while getting closer but that was not what made me jump ,it was how angry he sounded.
"I'm sorry. I should... um leave." I breally whispered while I looked at the ground trying to not look at him in the eyes.
"what the fuck Xavier! Stop scaring her!" Jason yelled at him and created space bettween me and Xavier fucking Miller!

author's note:

please do leave a comment of what you think of the book so far or how I could improve.

© invisible_girl,
книга «The Case».