Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter one
🌹Vivian's pov 🌹

         My dearest beloved sister I’m 17 years old now. I’m still going to school, still getting good grades, still alone at school and home. Mom and Dad are always arguing because  he always steals money for food or bills to buy beers and drugs. Mom still works a lot of shifts to earn more money that my dad ends up drinking or goes and spend it with his “buddies”. I wish you weren’t dead I wish I was the one who dead. I know I can’t bring you back and I’m glad I can’t, so you don’t have to deal with all the bad things that happens in my life. I hope your safe where you are at. I know this letter will never reach you but, it helps me even if it helps a  small amount. It helps. I love you and will always love you.
            Love, Vivian

      Once I finished writing the letter I use my long sleeves from my black hoodie to wipe my tears that were rolling down my face and on to the thin piece of paper. I stared out the window near my desk that I'm currently using. I stand on my feet once I saw the clock on my desk 5:00am getting ready for school I start getting my towel that was hanging on the back of my white wooden door. Once I finish showing I get out of the shower and I stared at myself in the mirror. I saw someone different same look but different personality: A girl with hazel hair and blue eyes with bags under her eyes which was caused by no sleep and crying alone in her room. I couldn’t look at myself with out wanting to break the glass mirror so I looked away. I started to change into my now everyday clothes. I did only have a few clothes that I haven’t out grown. I started to but jeans, a grayish top, with my black hoodie covering my shirt, for shoes I put black vans.            
After I was fully ready I looked at the clock reading 6:30am. School starts at 7:30 but, I never have a ride so I always end up haveing to walk. From my house to the school takes about a good 10 minutes.

         The walk to school was silent ,I made it at 6:45, the only thing I could hear was my thoughts roaming my brain. Once I arrived to my school I went inside and headed to my locker no one was here except the principle and some teachers. I got out what I need from my locker once I was finished I  locked it. I waited for classes to start on the bleachers. Where less students meet up, I don’t like attention never had and never will.

Time:7:22am ⏰

I checked the time on my phone and started heading to my first class. I walked up the stairs of the 300s classrooms are but before I could reach my class someone tripped me.
“Watch were you’re going bitch!” the voice of Janet Mendez screeched looking at her new shoes.
“You could have ruined my shoes!”
“I’m sorry” I said with a hush voice trying to not catch even more attention then there is. My hands were in the side making a fist.

“You should be.” Janet stated in her god awful voice. I didn’t respond due to the fact of me trying to bite my tongue from saying anything I’ll regret.
“Baby, look what this freak did!” she continued ranting while looking at her new fuck of the week or boyfriend or the schools bad boy. His name is Xavier Miller.

I started to quietly leave before something worse happens.
“I don’t care!” Xavier growled with his usual blank face.
“what do you mean you don’t care?! I’m your girlfriend you should care!” she nagged
“Not anymore your not!” he snapped. Everyone including me stopped what they were doing just because of those four words.
“What?” she cried and started to touch him but, he pushed her off of him. With that he started to walk away from the scene and so did I.
“This is your fault you little slut!” Janet screamed while shoving me against a cooled metal locker. The impacted made me moan in pain. The bell rang which’d caused everyone to disappeared from the scene leaving me alone. Once I saw everyone was inside their classes I started to feel my eyes getting watery before I could stop myself a river came out of my eyes. I was busy looking at the floor and crying I didn’t notice running shoes in front of me. When I looked up I saw a good looking guy staring at me.
“Are you alright?” He asked me with a soft voice. I got up too fast which caused me to moan again and fall but before I hit the floor I was catched.
“yeah I’m fine” I hesitated still looking at the ground once I got up completely
“You don’t look fine. You look like your going to pass-“ I couldn’t hear the rest because I was starting to feel my eyes lids heavy.

© invisible_girl,
книга «The Case».
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Chapter one
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2018-07-28 04:49:07