Warning:Being Addicted.
Chrissy Don't Care
Wrong and Right
Jaymi Doesn't Know How To Quit
Wish I Could Be That Guy
Summer Holiday Drama
Stay With You
Pricked By The Needle
An Old Isolated City
Having Feelings (Part 1)
Having Feelings (Part 2)
Whatever It Takes To Find Him
Stabbed In The Back
A Little Talk
BFF (Best Fake Friend)
Chrissy Don't Care
Hey guys this is Ameii. Today Christine or whatever her name is,she is making Jaymi drool all over the place. According to maths:
Boys+Christine=Fake Relationship
I've known Jaymi a long time. And then this girl comes and sweeps him off his feet. Chrissy Don't Care! Anyways,I'm really nervous because I am having music class and we have to sing a song individually and I feel I'll mess up. Christine's up first!

🔊Don't want none of your bad vibes!
I'm on a wave....'
"Excellent Christine,A+ your like a powerhouse," Ms.Hamada says cheerfully.
Christine flips her hair and struts like a model to her seat. Jaymi starts to drool again.
"Next is Ameii Johnson!" Ms.Hamada announces

'I'm not a stranger to the dark
Hide away they say cos we don't want your broken parts
I've learned to be ashamed of all my scars...'

I suddenly drift off.

"Ms.Ameii A-... what happened your normally good at music?" Ms Hamada asked

I start to tremble.

"Good Job,Ameii BREAK A LEG (literally)!" Christine claps sarcastically
I could tell she was using sarcasm just then.

Brittany's P.O.V:
Welcome back,now the reason,Christine threatens children to stay quiet if she is caught being rude or mean. Ameii did not understand why she was friends with Christine.

Back to what happened last year...

"Hey,you,Christine!" Ameii shouts
"What?" Christine rolls her eyes.
"I challenge you to a battle!" Ameii proposes
All the kids gasped.
"Oh,hun no one challenges me...but what is this proposal?" Christine asks,hands on her hips.
"Whoever gets the most gifts for the charity:Old and Needy by the end of the month becomes the leader of the charity group and the loser gets excluded!" Ameii shouts foolishly.
Ameii was foolish. Ameii was shocked she thought of what she said,if she didn't win she would be excluded,but who was she to object what she had just requested.
"Deal!" Christine says. Ameii opens and shuts her mouth again,fearing she would say a stupid thing again. Ameii received a text during lunchtime.
ChrissyBabe: Already have 32 gifts! 😉
Ameii:I have 68 gifts.
Ameii lies to try get herself out of the situation at the end of the month,Christine collects 278 gifts and Ameii collects 29 gifts.
"HA!So your excluded!" Christina laughs
"I can't get excluded your not the head teacher!" Ameii blurts out.
Christine pretends to fake cry and 12teachers show up to help her.
"Whats wrong?" they all ask.
"It's Ameii she hit me!!!" Christina fake cries. Ameii objects.
Ameii ended up being excluded for 2 weeks. A few weeks later on her Snapchat she posted:

And on the description link:
Ooh,Ameii how was your day?😈

© Praise Okpanefe,
книга «Addicted To You».