Sexy as fuck
No Future
Fuck it.
An explanation perhaps?
"Lizzie Mar Moore"
To little to late
Sexy as fuck
Said the text message Luke just received. So looks like Amara is not coming.
After planning on going to a crappy Halloween party for weeks, Amara decided to not to go. All that because Gorgina, her ex-bff is hosting it instead of her younger sister Michelle. Luke really didn't see the difference between Gorgina hosting it or Michelle hosting it so, being such a good boyfriend he was already dressed in a simple black suit being the typical lovable James Bond (even though his hair is more aubrum and he's 20 years younger...). His gorgeous girfriend Amara would've been a sexy little fox but NO, she's not going.
"Hey, want me to pick you up?" Luke asked Dick, his closest friend. They use to share an appartement but Luke moved out when he went to college. Because, yes, Luke does go to college and is currently studying to become a businessman (go try to find out what that's suppose to mean). Of course, Luke's only 23 and has no idea what to do with his life. And well, the drugs he takes don't really help much with his mind but hey! He's young, reckless, stupid and dumb so let the boy live his live and regret everything later.
"Um...yeah, I guess...Wait, where are you going?" So Dick was still drunk, what a surprise! Lukes good old roomate loves alcohol and if he spends a day without it...make sure you take caution while approching him.
"Halloween party, Amara got all freaky on me and doesn't want to come. I could use some company..." Luke may as well be a charmer, but he has a girlfriend and Dick is great at reminding him about it...that is when he remembers.
"Amara? You're still with her? I thought you broke up last week..."
Oh, yes the breakups! How could we talk about Amara and Lukes relationship without mentioning the fact that they break up almost every couple weeks? Well, they have been together since they were juniors and they've been through a lot...I guess.
"Yeah, we got back together remember? Anyways, are you coming or not?"
"Yeah, sure...but do you have any weed? I need some more junk, my stash is low."
"Nah, Amara found it and threw it out. But chill, I heard that this guy from super far away is bringing a bunch of shit." As we know, Luke has his sources...
"Dude, Amara is starting to really fuck you over! Next thing you'll know you'll be in rehab wondering why the fuck you're with that basic bitch!"
Well Dick, Amara wasn't always like that : how could you forget the way she climbed on your lap and made a nice fool of her beloved boyfriend? You seemed to truly enjoy it at the time...
"Okay," Luke took a deep breath "I'm gonna pick you up and we'll get some nice junk and you'll see that no girl will ever change me. Just don't talk about her that way, are we clear?"
Dick sighed on the other side of the phone.
"Yep, whatever you want..."

"Hi boys," greeted the wonderful Gorgina. "I just want to say, you look mighty good tognight Luke..." Her constume, if you could call it that way, was very revealing. It appeared Tinker Bell was now latina and her bright green dress shrinked.
"Do you have a Peter Pan? I'm sure James Bond could help you out with a mission..." Luke will you ever learn? If Amara didn't go to the party it was for a reason. Not so you could get all hot and heavy with her worst enemy!
"Guys, I'm gonna get a drink. Have fun Peter Bond..." Dick said, exusing himself form a rather steamy chat.
"Hey," Gorgina said getting closer to Luke. "I have a few rooms, unoccupied...Wanna join me after I dance a little? We'll have fun..."
"Go on and dance then," he said wispering in  her ear. "I need some weed."
"That will be on the roof then," she said strictly.
And after one last hot glance between  the two of them she was gone. Luke pushed pass the swarm of people not caring a bit if someone were to get hurt. Ah, such a gentlemen.
When Luke finaly reached the roof, he was exhausted and desperatly craved a joint of whatever he could find. His eyes set on a group of people, they were all around a single man. He was wearing only black and wore a long cape.
So that's the big foreign drug dealer.
"Hey," Luke said approching the man, the others who had already bought they're stuff started spreading away. "I need some stuff. I'll pay whatever if you can give me the best you have right now."
The man, who wore a mask and had a fake mustache on smiled. "Chill, little fella," he handed out a joint. "Here's for you! I feel quite generous today. Pay me back later on, I'm sticking around for a while."
Luke grabbed the joint and lit it quickly. After taking a long swing, he said:
"Thanks bro, I owe you. I'm Luke"
"Ty, me and my gang are friends with Oscar. Elle and Gorgies cousin," He finished his drink. "Gonna go back inside, people keep wanting more and more. It's getting insane!"
"Hey, how come I get one free?" Luke asked.
"Boy, it ain't free. And let's say I've heard some shit about you. I can really relate, nice meeting you bro!"
As Ty reached the door, a grumpy little high school girl bumped into him. She seemed to ask him something, annoyed, he brushed her off which made her even madder.
She stormed away from him and approched the edge of the roof.
With Ty gone there was no one else but a Luke and a few stoners.
"Hey," Luke said getting closer to the girl. "You're not gonna jump are you? The night barely started! You should do it around 5 or 6 am, most people go to work then."
The girl turned to face him. She had two long braids, nerdy glasses and a fake headgear. What a charming look...
"Um...No thanks! I'm not suicidal yet!" she mumbled something to herself and suddenly turned to Luke "Can I have some?"
A girl wants what she wants after all. Luke taking pity of her hands it over, she takes it and takes a long swing. Luke keeps waiting for the coughs to come but they don't. Curious, he asks:
"Have you had some before? No offense, you don't look like you do drugs."
"Honey," she says rolling her eyes "This is what we call a Halloween party, and normally you're supposed to dress up. Not showing off your ass or your muscles. I believe I should be whoever I want."
"So, you don't think dressing up as a slut is cool and you prefer looking like a 12 year old who's going through a rough time in puberty? Sexy..." he said with a high note of sarcasm,  of course.
"Sexy as fuck." she said as she walked back to the door, the joint still between her fingers.

© cara ,
книга «I'm a Hurricane».