Sexy as fuck
No Future
Fuck it.
An explanation perhaps?
"Lizzie Mar Moore"
To little to late
Fuck it.
As they furiously made out on the streets, some people would stare, yell something along the lines of "get a room" and some young teens staring wanting a relationship like that. Little did they know...
Eventually they calmed down and simply looked at each other dumbly in one anothers eyes.
"For a 12 year old looking thing you're not that bad," he said petting her cheek, now slightly red. "Pretty good actually..."
She smirked at him and replied:
"Well, for what I call a fuckboy you can actually kiss. Most of them are just pretending,  no one really likes them."
"Should I take it as an insult?"
"So, I'm the fuckboy and you are...?"
"I'm weird ass one night stand."
"You can't be my one night stand unless we've had sex."
"Shhh, I have our night all planned out pretty boy."
And so he followed her all around town. He knew Ranworth City perfectly, but he let her explor it on her own. She clearly wasn't from here considering the fact that she went in the worst alleys and found them super cool and creepy. Maybe it's because there were few girls raped and murdered on those streets but shhhh! Let the girl enjoy her tour, it's not as if they have many tourists here.
"Where do you come from?" he eventually decided to ask. She shook her head and sighed.
"Way far, my parents moved a lot when I was a kid. I was born in Ohio actually, but just a few weeks later we were on the road."
"So you're not a contry girl? I imagined you perfectly with a straw hat and cowboy boots!"
She giggled at that remark. When she smiled, her face didn't light up like most people. Instead, it was remplaced by mischief and defiance.
"Where can we find a cute little motel?" she asked breaking the fun.
"Um...I think there's one on street Armstrong, but I'm not sure." As she already started looking for the street, Luke found himself in the worst position ever. So what she wanted, what HE wanted...or follow his instinct. Right now his instict was telling him something about this girl wasn't right. Fuck it. He would do what he want, when he wants with whoever he wants.

© cara ,
книга «I'm a Hurricane».
An explanation perhaps?