Little Princess Dolls
Note: This is was based off a historical genre. Thus, some of the things written here will not match with modern ideas and laws. Also there are sensitive topics that I would like to mention beforehand. Thank you for reading: They were little girls with small cute teddy bears and ankle length princess dresses that sparkled in the light, They too dreamed of their handsome prince riding into the night They had tiaras and necklaces that were plastic and dull, But why were they smiling there and not now When they have real necklaces that glitter with jewels and long dresses with lace and diamonds,  Why were they crying in their rooms,  Shouting for someone to care for them too Was it their husbands who could’ve been their age times 2 or was it because they hit their faces with 3 other woman licking his shoes Was it the way they had been sold off for money, Or the way they had been dirtied, They had their dresses, and looked quite fabulous too, But really, they couldn't breathe because of their corset, and couldn’t walk because of their heels, They were slaving away while another more lucky, was with her prince, the one that never came, and instead had ridden into the night Without another look back -Abigail
2021-02-23 00:08:42
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Хай буде так
«And in my hour of darkness She is standing right in front of me Speaking words of wisdom, "Let it be"» Beatles - Let it be Хай буде так. Прийми своє життя. Прийми негоду, біль і в серці рану. Прийми свою не вічність, як буття. Прийми, що у людей на тебе інші плани. І не кричи, не плач, коли летиш із неба. Земля тверда. Це так. Реальна. Не м'яка. Живи та не шкодуй. Так було треба. Можливо не тобі. Комусь. Чиясь рука. Ти витримав. Стерпів. Усі пройшов дороги. Ти не зламався, ні. Ти просто біг не так. Ти просто падав. Просто вірив богу, І довіряв не тим. Кохав не так. Хай буде так. Прийми, що ти один І залишайся сильним, що б не було далі. Життя лиш мить, в яку стікає плин годин. Лиш зайчик сонячний, ребро медалі. Бо що б не було - ти не вічний, ні. І те що має тут коштовність, там - згорає. Ти помираєш тут. Зникаєш на війні. Та пам'ятай - у смерті щастя аж ніяк немає.
Morgan Ray and Rose. ⏺English translation⏺ I will find flowers among the fragments of people, give them to you. I am so pleased that there is you, your love for me. I will give you a sea of hope, and lights that do not fade. My heart is only you, it falls asleep without you. I'm giving everything I have in me for you to paralyze the rocks. I don't want to To conquer fate, together to the very edge. We'll be gone on the penultimate day, but our lines will remain. All love is sealed here, in our phrases and ellipses. So, let's rise high, and forgetting about the holy, Falls of the rock. I'll take your hand, and everything, all around It's going to be the way you dreamed.