The beginning
The Spread
The Spread
Andrew wasn't expecting this, usually his mom would usually blasting christmas music and sipping coffee.  but instead she was sitting on the couch with the lights off staring at the t. v. It was definitely creepy.

"Um mom you ok " Andrew said  cautiously

she snapped her gaze away from the t.v. slightly confused why he is home so early and looked at the clock on the oven. 

"yeah,  uh I mean why are you home so early" she said quickly raised an eyebrow finally acting like the over protective mom she is.

"bad headache speaking oh which Advil? " he said putting. he hand on his forehead

"bathroom medicine cabinet take 2" she said putting her hand on his check.

he quickly dashed to the kitchen to get a glass of water then to the bathroom for the medicine. As he came put his mom was back glued to the t.v.

"what are you watching anyways" Andrew said with curiosity

"the news some kind of flu is going around" she said with out lookong at him

"local" Andrew said confused

"No state wide,  it might even be national" she said

Andrew decided to sit down next to her and see what is going on.  The flat screen TV sat above the entertainment center blasting on full volume

"A record number of cases have been coming in for at least 12 states and surrounding areas" the news man drilled one trying to stay posed " it looks like a new strain of the flu we haven't seen before.  it's highly contagious so avoid any one who you might suspect has it" he kept spitting out the lines like he said it a hundred times already "scientists still don't know how it fully affects people.  but symptoms seem to be swelling in the brain,  fluid in the lungs, and deterioration of muscle."

"that doesn't sound like the flu"  Andrew said with some fear in his voice

"there just probably hyping it up like that always do" she quickly said " now come help me make dinner

"I'll get the phone and dail the pizza placr " Andrew said with a goofy smile on his face

"oh shut up" she fired back

but they still had pizza and talked at the table.  Each catching up with each other due to there crazy schedules. 
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книга «The Survivors Journal».