In My Time Of Dying
Revelations in. We shook hands and he put on the music and turned it up full volume and drove away quickly. A few minutes after leaving, Diego turned on a very spooky looking road that had no lights or traffic and it was a straight road with a single lane surrounded with trees on both sides. The long straight road looked like a tunnel when you drove through fast enough.

“Hey Diego are you sure you’re going the right way”? I asked nervously, “Um honestly I don’t know. Robert gave me the directions” he responded calmly. “Well maybe you can call him and he’ll tell you where to go next” I suggested, “Yeah ok that’s a good idea” he answered. Diego took out his phone placed it on a stand and called Robert (phone ringing) “hello” answered Robert, “hey Robby, um bro I’m here with Noe and we’re kind of lost on this one straight road and we’re wondering where to go next. You mind leading the way”? asked Diego, “yeah sure keep going on the straight road until you see a dirt road on the right side take the dirt road and drive for about a mile you’ll see a big farm house you can’t miss it, it’s really big” said Robert, “oh ok thanks man catch you later” said Diego happily, “yeah man later, oh and be careful on the road” responded Robert in a very creepy tone. “What the hell does that mean” I said wearily. “I don’t know he was probably just messing with us you know” he said unsurely.

We drove on the road for nearly an hour. All of a sudden we saw a girl in the middle of the road. Diego jerked the steering wheel to avoid hitting her when we came to a stop we both got out of the car but Diego stayed behind so I went to go check if she was ok. When I looked at the girl I couldn’t believe my eyes, oh my God I thought I’d never see her again in my life it was her…Tessa.

I looked back and realized what had happened. We didn’t just stop the car, we wrecked it. Luckily Diego was still alive but my face was stuck in the front window with the glass still penetrating my bloody face. Tessa came close to me “I believe you know why I’m here Noe” she said seriously, “um I wasn’t supposed to make it alive eight years ago and now you came back to finish the job” I said, “but why did you take so damn long” I asked angrily, “Noe you’re the one that got away, I wanted to give you some time with your mom, I personally reaped her” she said. “Well I’m not going” I responded. “I have a fiancé Tessa I can’t just leave her; she’s everything to me, she is my love”. “Fine” she said disappointed. “Don’t go if you truly don’t want too but you’re going to stay as a sprit, the doctors can vitalize your physical body as much as they want but only I can restore your soul, only I can take it back into your body and this time I’m not bringing you back. Whenever you want to come with me all you have to do is call my name. Don’t be mad at Robert he didn’t answer your call I did, nor did he give you the directions. This is fate it was meant to happen, sorry I could only give you eight more years alive” she said sadly and vanished into thin air. “No, this can’t be happening” I said sadly. Finally it all made sense; she was the one who had brought me back to life eight years ago. I knew it was impossible to come back from something like that.

I rushed back to the car and saw Diego trying to take me off the glass, when he finally succeeded he started shaking me and checked to see if I was breathing. Diego dialed 911 and explained what had happened to the cops. I could see the guilt in his eyes I wanted to tell him it wasn’t his fault, but I already knew it was pointless to try.

One week later…

It was a cold afternoon and it was my funeral, I stood there and watched their sorrow, their pain, their guilt. And I no longer wanted to be their guardian Angel. I was praying, my soul bleeding, I was screaming and wondering “am I too lost to be saved”? I started to walk away from the cemetery; I looked back at the burial site for the last time and went back to what used to be my house, I saw my fiancée crying while looking at some of our old pictures “I love you” I thought and left outside.

April third, ten years later

I went by everyone’s homes to see them all one last time and I decided to end it by paying my auntie’s old house a visit. I appeared in the living room and saw my auntie, my Nina, my cousin Silvia and everyone else praying to a picture of me. Surprisingly my ex fiancée Sarah was there as well with a child that appeared to be about elven to twelve years old. Then I remembered that on the day of the accident Sarah was going to go to the doctor to check if she was pregnant. Oh my god do I have a son (gasping). I came closer to him, suddenly he seemed a bit unnerved and he started to look around suspiciously. “Dean are you ok”? Sarah asked in a weary tone, “Yeah I think so mom” answered Dean.

Dean got up and walked into the kitchen. “Are you hungry” asked my auntie Alma, “no thank you I’m ok auntie” Dean responded, “you remind me of you father, he was always looking around and you’d offer him something and he’d say he was fine” auntie Alma said. “Auntie Alma can you tell me more of my dad, how he was when he was little” Dean asked, “Well your dad was a lot like you except he went through a lot of bad things when he was little. He was sad mostly until he met your mom, then he was really happy. He would have been very proud of you” Alma responded nicely. “Thanks auntie, I love you” said Dean, “I love you too” she told him lovingly.

Wow I couldn’t believe it I have a wonderful son. I do love him, I am proud of him. I decided to stay here until Dean’s birthday, which was right after mine ironically.

The following day…

“Happy twelfth birthday Dean” said Diego “wow two-hundred dollars wow thanks uncle Diego” said Dean “no problem kiddo” said Diego. “Happy birthday son” said Sarah “a PlayStation ten cool thanks mommy” said Dean “your welcome sweetie just keep being good ok” said Sarah “ok mommy” said Dean surely.

After everyone walked up to say happy birthday and give their presents, Dean went inside to his room. I appeared before him and allowed him to see me. “Happy birthday son” I said “dad but how” he responded in a fearful tone. I decided it was better to lie to him rather than scar him. “When I died I went to heaven and asked God if I could be an angel, he said yes but this is my last day so I thought it was time to see you face to face” “so than you’re an angel” he said shocked, “yes I just came here to say I love you and that I’m very proud of you my son” I explained. Dean started to cry, I came closer to him and hugged him “it’s going to be ok, you’re going to be ok, even though it’s my last day on earth I’ll still be watching from heaven” I said sensitively. “Goodbye my son” “bye daddy, I love you” “I love you most”.

After I finished saying goodbye to Dean I called out for Tessa. After I called her six times I waited for about an hour until she finally showed up. I was happy to see her in her young pretty woman form. She came close to me smiling and looking very happy “ready” “ready”.

© Noecarlos ,
книга «In My Time Of Dying».
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Єгор Комаров
👍👍👍 Awesome. I want more!
2018-02-04 22:47:52
Amrin Vel Mors
Its great ! I need more XD
2018-02-14 07:24:44
Piyush De
😋 want more of this!
2018-03-22 14:48:17