The beginning
Life as it is 
The beginning
It all started when...

Nakai Akuro and Murano Akuro was sent away from their family to live with their aunt, Kiyata KiKu. Nakai was going to miss their family, but it's for the greater good. Murano has always been the most responsible, because he is the oldest... 

Nakia is more of the quiet one. She has beautiful brown hair flowing down to here hips. She is quiet but when she's hungry, she's like a cat, A viscous one! No matter if you like it or not she is honest and sometimes it can hurt. 

Murano on the other hand is LOUD! He has the same color hair, but not as long as her's but it's perfectly combed... Like, all the time. He is a never ending, annoying, and weird conversation starter. Also in every sentence that comes out of his mouth, is sarcastic. Like no sentence does not have at least one sarcastic gesture! Like the nerve of this guy!

Now you might be wondering, "who is this person and why does she know so much?" Well I'mAki Taniko. You do not need to know about me. "Why?" well, I ' m the narrator, so more about me later.

Well, that's enough for now! More coming ASAP! 

© Aki Taniko ,
книга «Mystical Legends ».