The beginning
Life as it is 
Life as it is 
Life with aunt Kiyata KiKu is somewhat boring. She used to be all fun and happy and having at least one thing that was fun to do. She's older now... MUCH older. Though she is very young looking for her age!  All they do is riding their bikes and also playing with their friends, who most moved away but one stayed. His name was Satow Hiroaki. Nakai Loves to play with him. Murano always teased them saying. "Nakai and Satow are sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g!' They were always yelling "STOP IT! " But Murano always keep going. Life was okay. But when we moved... Everything changed. We got sent away... And Nakai Akuro cried the whole time. After watching their dad die right in front of their face and then getting sent away 5 weeks later. I mean what kids want to go through that! Then they met someone who changed their life forever...
© Aki Taniko ,
книга «Mystical Legends ».